Part 14 Hungry Wolf Knights

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Romeo P.O.V

After Natsus big win against the twin dragon slayers. Gajeel showed us an underground cave system full of dragon bones.

And Wendy momentarily Reanimated the spirit of a dragon named Zirconis... who felt... oddly familiar. For some reason, I feel a similar presence to him whenever I use my green flames.

What happened next was completely unexpected. Royal people showed us a gate that was a portal between time and said that they had been absorbing magic from the games this hole time.

To make matters worse, they took Lucy and the other Celestial wizard Yukino.

I offered to help rescue Lucy along with Natsu and the others because if something time related was going to happen, I had to be there to try and stop it.

Wendy knew what I was talking about and agreed.

"Alright! With Romeo there, I'll never run out of fire power!" Natsu said with a smirk and cracking his knuckles.

We managed to save both celestial wizards with just a few hiccups along the way, one of them being the hungry wolf Knights who would not let up.

Cosmos in particular, gave me and Wendy some trouble. Her plant manipulation was honestly getting on my nerves.

"What're you playing around for?" Neppa said, sending acid our direction.

"Aquarias!" I said.

"Got it!" She said, countering it.

Apparently, she listens to me cause I'm a young stud to her... whatever that means.

Anyways, she couldn't hold out much longer, so Samuel punched the floor, causing Neppa to lose his balance as I sent a fire ball his way.

"Enough!" Cosmos yelled sending plants my direction.

While running at her, I remembered a conversation Samuel and I had back during the 3 months that we had been training together for the grand magic games.


We were on the beach, and I remember him teaching me how to use a sword, but at the time, it didn't feel right.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked

"Don't you think this sword stuff just... isn't my thing, " I asked, looking at the katana he gifted me.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Well, swords are more of Erzas thing," I said, looking at the sword

"And fire isn't Natsu's?" He countered.

"But I've always wanted to be like Natsu," I said.

"And that right there is your problem. You're too focused on being like other people. You forget what you yourself bring to the table. Romeo does have Natsu fiery passion, but you've also got Grays edge, Erzas decision making, Wendys compassion, and Lucy... well, you don't have anything that relates to Lucy (except a lack of a mother), but you have all these qualities of your role models that make you you. Yours yourself and the way you swing a sword is different from how Ezra does it, " Samuel explained.

"Just how my fire is purple and Natsus is orange," I said, starting to get it.

"Exactly, I have no doubt in my mind you'll grow up to be just as strong as him one day but not as rash remember when you met Byro and you kept your guard up because you knew he fought Guildart? you don't just rush in without a plan, and that's something you should take advantage of along with honing your skills. Do that, and you'll have a fighting style that's all your own, " He said.

End Of Flashback

He's right. I do have my own fighting style.

"Peerless slashing sword," I said.

I begin to hold my sword backward and use fire on my feet to leap into the air. Cosmos vines kept up with me, however, so I recoiled myself to the side with more purple flames. Her vines were fast though and started to become unavoidable since I was getting closer and closer to her, so I leaned backwards while still in the air and baybladed around her vines slicing them all in the process and coming for her next.

"Pheromone Wall!" She yelled, making a force field out of wood.

"Now, what will you do?-"

I just lit my hands on fire and gripped the wood like I was prying  open an elevator door. Within seconds, I ripped it apart, and she just starred at me in aww.

"Wha-What?" She said slightly pink in the face like her hair. Was she blushing?

"Here's a little something I learned!" It's still imperfect, but I lit my left hand up with lightning and gave Cosmos... quite the shock. Ending her struggle once and for it.

Loki stopped fighting for a moment to look at me.

"They grow up so fast" He said to himself. Everyone else shared a similar reaction, and I couldn't help but get a confident boost from this all. I felt a tidbit cocky when I saw Lucy and Wendy's jaw hit the floor from my performance.

"I didn't spend 3 months training for nothing," I said sheathing my sword with finesse.

Future Rouge then showed up, and we all know how things went from there.

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