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"You guys didn't suck this time."

I turn and see our tech, Vince, leaning on a speaker. He's looking at me but is also somehow looking right passed. His eyes are an amazing blue and his hair is black and wild but short and manageable. He's also covered in tattoos and not those trash ones like a lion or trees, but really intricate ones. He has a moth tattoo right on his neck and for anyone else it would be weird, but for him it works. What I'm trying to say is that he's hot.

"Yeah, thanks." I say. He's hot but thats a dick thing to say.

"I'm playing with you." he says with a smile. "You guys sounded great."

"Oh thanks." I say awkwardly.

I'm sweaty, I'm thirsty as fuck and I'm exhausted. I don't know if I'm really in the mood to flirt with Vince the cute tech guy.

"Not to be that guy, but you've got the best energy out there." he says.

I roll my eyes at this. "Now you're just trying to make up for what you said before."

He grins. "Yeah, maybe so."

He looks around to make sure the coast is clear then takes a small step towards me. My heart gives a strong pound in my chest. I'm not interested in hooking up with him especially considering the whole Mac/Vic thing, but he is hot. I'm exhausted, not blind.

"So, you busy tonight?" he says, his voice changing to a flirtatious tone.

"Oh, actually, I don't think so."

He reaches out and touches my arm lightly. "We should-"


The shouting of my name is so loud that it causes me to jump. I lift my eyes and see Ray standing by our dressing room, pissed as always. I'm surprised at how loud his voice is considering how far he's standing from us.

He motions me over to him, making my stomach turn uneasy. I forget how tired and thirsty I am, I just feel dread now.

"Guess I'll see you later." Vince says.

Ray stares me down the entire time I make my way over to him.

"Whats wrong now?" I ask in a tone of defeat.

"Get in." he says.

I enter the room surprised to see Lila and Mac there too. Lila doesn't even glance at me, almost like she's mad at me for something. Not that I blame her, it seems like nobody is talking to me lately.

"Guys, you're a mess lately." Ray says as I slink in the door.

"God, Ray, do we have to go through this again?" Mac says. "Our sound sucks, our attitudes suck, everyone's mad at everyone. No need for this."

"You wanna do this?" Ray tests. "You guys are adults and yet I need to come here and yell at you every single day."

"You dont have to." I mumble.

"Oh, great, the problem wants to chime in." Ray says sarcastically.

Before I can even think, the words "I hear you're the problem. Not in the band, just in your marriage." escape my mouth.

"Lila, Mac, you can go now. I need to speak with Wren privately." Ray says, keeping his eyes glued to me.

Lila and Mac don't even try to fight it. Instantly they get up and head for the door. They know him well enough to know that he's pissed beyond belief.

"Wren, you have to be fucking stupid." he says.

"I didn't mean it." I say quietly.

He stares at, unblinking, not moving at all. Its actually kinda creepy but also he looks so serious that it makes me want to laugh a little. I know I can't. He would actually beat my ass if I laughed at him ever, but especially now.

"I'm so fucking tired of you." he says as he approaches me. "I'm serious, Wren. I can't stand to see your fucking face everyday. You're here messing everything up for everyone, causing all these fucking problems. You just can't help yourself can you?"

"Im not causing any problems!"

"You ARE the problem" he yells.

A knock at the door separates us almost instantly. Vic opens the door, glancing between us. Even though we're not close right now, our faces give away the fact that something is going on and its not good.

"Wren, can I talk to you?" Vic asks carefully.

"We're in the middle of something." Ray says.

"Yeah," Vic says slowly. "I don't care. Wren?"

I duck out, more grateful for Vic now more than ever.

We get into the hallway and for once it's actually empty. And quiet. Vic must have heard what happened with us.

"So ...whats up?" I ask once we're in the clear.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. It sounded like it was getting heated in there." he says not even looking at me.

"Oh." I say, my face flushing. "Yeah, it gets kinda intense sometimes..."

"I think you guys should rethink your management." he says.

He keeps talking, but my phone goes off and the text I read makes me unable to focus on Vic. I reread the text from Mac over and over again.

'Lila knows we hooked up. shes pissed. shes talking about leaving the band.'

What the fuck. Could my luck get worse? This whole week, this whole entire tour has been a fucking mess. From Lila's attitude at the start to Mac and I to Vic to Ray to everyone in this entire fucking place. 

"Yeah, or ignore me." Vic says, pulling me back to the present.

"Oh God, I'm sorry." I say, my voice starting to tremble.

I don't want to cry in front of Vic but I can't seem to stop the tears that are filling my eyes.

"I gotta go." I say quickly.

"Wren, whats going on?" Vic asks, calling after me as I speed walk out.

Everything is too much of a mess right now.

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