Chapter 2: Meeting Ryan

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I think after of that it still was nothing to everyone who did know about it. I mean we're in America, and nothing bad is ever supposed to happen here. (Not that it doesn't, like constantly. I'd like to think my job is proof of how horrible our nation could really be.)

The first sign we needed to be ready was something not many people knew about or got to see. It was something that Kyle, and Jonah saw before I did; its president Taylor's speech about the war, and in the middle of it the Vice President tried to take a chunck out of our dear president Taylor's neck.

Jonah called me as soon as he got word of the incident, and I still had no clue it had happened at the time. *Brrrring Brrrrring* went my pathetic excuse of a cell phone. "Ugh.", I said (I was super tired, and I had stayed up all night working on a missing person's case), but it continued to ring so I unlocked my dumb phone, and answered the call.

It was Jonah, one of my two best-guy-friends. He sounded a bit unravled, I asked him, "What's wrong Jonah?".

He replied, "Just meet me at Kyle's house, even if your busy working on a case, this is more important than some idoit's dead body. Okay? This is our lives I'm talking about here.". He sounded really concerned so I reported my findings, and rushed over to Kyle's house. Where I found Jonah nervously pacing back-and-forth, along with Kyle trying to tell him that I was fine.

I mean, I had a loaded gun on me. They knew I could take care of my self, so why were they so worried about me? Something big must have went down, and shit they had me worried to death but, soon enough I saw that I had every right in the world to be worried I mean this marks the start of the apocalypse so who wouldn't be?

I was epspecially concerned about Jonah. I mean, I knew cared but, he was the type that didn't let you know that, or see that he cared. You know he always showed that he cared in his own weird way but, not like this. Kyle; he was the same way but, when it comes down to it, I know he cares too. We are best friends so, when they were acting like this I knew something was wrong. You just know your best friends, I mean you're best friends; you can quote what they say, jinx with them, and tell them absolutly anything, and everything. That's what best friends are for.

I said, "Hey guys! What did you want too talk to me about?". Then Jonah, and Kyle ran up to me, and hugged me. I was kinda freaked out because, they aren't usually that excited to see me, and we never, ever hug like this. And just saying it didn't help when Kyle leaned into kiss me! Oh my god Kyle almost kissed me (I think I actually wanted him to), but, before he could Jonah pulled me into a killer bear hug.

They didn't stop hugging me until I told them, "Umm guys, I can't breathe, so you can let go now!". I asked them again to tell me what was wrong, they finally decided to tell me.

Jonah didn't speak he just pulled me, and Kyle over to the couch, and pulled up a video on his laptop. So I just sat there, and watched the video quietly, until I saw that thing that the Vice President became. It was exactly what I warned President Taylor about. The last thing I saw President Taylor killed two more of those things (we later agreed on calling them walkers), and then the screen just went black.

We sat in complete silence until Jonah said, "You were right....I'm sorry that I laughed at you when you told us about the walker outbrake. I should have believed you, I could've wound up getting Jenna killed because, I didn't.".

I told him "Its okay, I forgive you, Its okay......". I pulled them into a hug, and kept repeating it for awhile (about 3 minutes), until Kyle finally decided to believe what I had said to them. Then Jonah (who seemed really embaressed) pulled away also, and wiped away his tears.

I curiously asked, "So then where is she? She's not mad at you is she?".

Jonah replied, "No she's not mad at me. Why would she be? She's at the gun shop down old-abadoned Lincoln Road. ".

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