Chapter 14: The Guy With The Dark Blue Eyes

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Amy's POV

I ran towards him, and stabbed the shit out of that walker. Then I begin to cry, until I heard that familiar voice of Roger McNally (or as I called him RJ), say to me, "Hey Ames long time no see I guess? I'm not bitten you know. I would swear I'm not but, then you wouldn't have to check to make sure.". I gasped, and looked up instantly. •Oh my gawd he's alive!• I thought to myself, •And still as screwed as ever... Man I've missed him.•. I then hugged him tightly, squeezing the shit out of him.

"First off Yah if long time no see means; Gee I haven't saw you since We were what 12? And second off pervert, I'm dating someone. I'm pretty sure Kyle Smith; my boyfriend would be checking to see if you were bitten. Not me, sorry to disappoint you. And omg I'm sooooo glad you're alright, you jack ass! I've missed you man!" I reply to him.

He looks disappointed, and I start laughing at his pervert ass self. Then I finally remember Mason is in the room when he suddenly says to me, "You, and Kyle have a kid?!". I smack him in the face before finally replying to him. Like excuse me, what do you think I am??? Do you see Mason, he's like 14 dude!

I finally say, "He's half our age, and no he's not mine or Kyle's. This is Mason he's part of our group along with his sister. Before you get any ideas she's five dude just no.". And before you ask well is this guy that bad? Yeah he is that bad to the point I have to tell him a girls age first... He's always been messed up like that. Hey as long as he behaves I don't care really! I still love he's like a brother, and always has been.

Mason looks at him weirdly before finally saying hey. He's probably thinking God this chick has some messed up friends. And honestly I do, its not my fault I attract messed up people... I can't name the number of times I wished I was normal, and that I had normal friends. But no I have to be weird, and different, and have weirdos, and strange people for friends.

Mason sighs, and tells me, "Its okay I had weirdos for friends too... But you don't have just weird friends you also have perverted friends sadly.". I finally remember, that its just me, Mason, & RJ (Roger's nickname)... Where the hell is the rest of my group?! Dammit!

Mason senses what I'm thinking (brother-sister connection! Awe!), and immediately starts hollering named of our group members. We then begin to search for them. All the sudden I hear someone struggling... I wonder aloud, "What the hell is that?". Mason shrugs signaling that he has no idea. I can see in his eyes that he's nervous as hell just like me, and RJ is... Oh god what did RJ do now?

Its coming from the back room so carefully; we head back there only to find RJ trying to calm down our struggling, tied up group members. Mason freaks out on RJ before I even have a chance to speak. Mason begins, "What the fucking hell is wrong with you Dude?!".

Roger finally replies, "That Bitch named Jenna hit me in the head, and I almost got eaten alive because, of her. So I woke up, broke my handcuffs, and tied up the threats to my LIFE. That is what the hell I did kid, and now that I know they are with you I plan on untying them with you. Okay?".

"Fine, but my five year old sister isn't a threat to your life. Unless you are truly that weak, and helpless.", Mason tells RJ. Mason is clearly pissed off because, Sara is tied up, and RJ is pissed off because, he got told off by a kid half his age. Yah it doesn't help when RJ has bad anger problems on top of Mason's issues.... I sigh knowing that this could get ugly fast if they don't control themselves (I don't know about Mason, but RJ isn't known for his ability to control himself). So this definitely has a strong potential of becoming very ugly, very fast!

Jenna slaps Roger after she is untied because Roger not knowing that she isn't single, tends to get a bit handsy with girls. He obviously got a bit too handsy with Jenna because she definitely left him a mark with her ring. Jonah knows RJ, and simply says to him, "Hey Jenna is my girlfriend so hands off okay?". RJ apologizes, and nods his head in reply. I mean even RJ has standards you know? He's a decent guy, really, I swear he is.

RJ started to leave until little Sara stopped him, and begs him to stay with us. We sigh knowing now we must add yet another person to our group... Ugh. I mean he used to be a good friend of mine, but then he got a bit too screwed up in the head, & landed himself in a mental institution one time too many(but no he's not crazy) .

Then for finality as Sara drags him back into Aaden's shop I say, "Well RJ, You can stay if you don't start trouble. You start shit you're out on your ass. Rather you like or not. Jonah, Kyle, and I know why it has to be this way, so I have my reasons! And Sara is the reason you're here, so you'd better thank her. You know it's not like I don't care about you its just with how you are its risky... And lives are on the line man. Lots of lives of good people Roger.".

I know RJ knows that I'm serious as hell. He's dangerous but, there was a time when he wasn't a threat to everyone close to him... I miss that honestly. I miss it soo I don't know what made him like this, and a big part of me doesn't know if I really want to. I just wish that he can learn to trust us, and go back to the way he used to be. I mean I'm over here wishing with my whole, entire heart, and being. Maybe; just maybe he will but until then he is a partial threat, and I will treat him as such for the safety of my group. Because in this world you gotta do what you gotta do for people's safety! And for Aaden I will treat him as a threat just like Aaden would've done because, I know that's what's right for us, and my group.

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