Chapter 9:Meeting The Foster Dad

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Ryan's POV

Hey I'm Ryan Prix, possibly the best looking Walker apocalypse survivor out there. But, until we have proof of anyone else looking better we're just gonna say I'm the best looking. Yeah I'm the one desperately trying to find my brother Dylan. I care for him more than anybody I mean he's my little brother.

He was a guard at a prison called Texas State, and that place scares the shit out of me considering it's probably over run by walkers. I refuse to think that he's dead though. He's my little brother I mean, he just can't be dead. He was, I mean is my priority to keep safe, and watch out for. He just can't be, Dylan can't be dead...

I know it's crazy to think he's alive but, I just gotta have hope because it's all I have left at the time. Hope; that's it. I never thought I'd get that point. But here I am with hope, and hope only.

•We are all just sitting here talking to Sara, and Mason our new group members. Mason; when he's not acting like a Pitt bull trying to protect Sara is a pretty cool kid. I think he's like my best friend, compared to the other male group members. He's pretty awesome, and I can relate to the whole pit bull protection act around his little sister, I'm the same way with Dylan. So don't get me wrong, I love these guys for helping me, and openly accepting me as a part of their group. But, Mason past his paranoia gets me like only a best friend would.

All the sudden Jenna (who was talking to Sara) drops to the floor, and I hear a mans voice say, "About time that bitch shut up. All right everyone against the wall! Now!". And blood oh my God there's so much blood. Kyle, and Amy defiantly go over to Jenna, and try to help her. He probably could've been anyone, and could've been the most important man on Earth and they still would've went to go over and help Jenna.

This guy obviously has the kids scared to death. He looks over at Mason, and Sara and he says, "Hey kids.". He smirks as they cower behind me, and Jonah. Mason quietly says something but, nether Jonah or me hear what. We both can tell that he's talking to the man that shot Jenna; his foster Dad. I can tell he knows him, and that's who this man is simply by the look in his eyes. The look of pure terror, and fear in Mason's eyes.

I improvise for Mason by saying to the group, "Oh it's just that douche bag that Mason, and Sara had to call a father. Ain't nothing to be scared of, just a man with a gun that thinks he's all that because he can beat on kids, and shoot a gun.".

He hit me with his gun, for that. I almost fell back but, Jonah supported me so I didn't, and was still standing. Jonah smirked, then says, "Yeah Ryan you know he is kinda pathetic. Can't even call him a man because a mean what man hits a kid Ryan?".

I got where he was going with this, and replied, "Jonah man, I wish I knew but, this scum bag doesn't not deserve to be called a man. Maybe a coward but, no way in hell if ever call that thing a man.". The guy calmed down. Mason looked at me, and shook his head as if to say, 'You shouldn't have done that'. I looked back with a look that says, 'I don't know what else could've done'. Me, and Jonah were only trying to keep his attention off of the kids, and Jenna so everyone else could stay safe.

He grabbed Amy who just yanked the bullet out of Jenna's arm, and smirked an evil grin as he said, "Oh let me have some alone time with this girl, and let's let her decide if I'm a man.". Kyle reached for her only to get knocked out with a gun. Oh dammit this is bad...

The next thing I knew we were all tied up against the wall, and he still had Amy in his hold, determined to prove how much of a man he was. I couldn't help but, to feel this was all my fault. I mean I was the one who started in on him, and caused him to grab Amy. This is all my fault.

I looked at my bound hands, and let one single tear escape my eyes. I can't believe I let this happen I mean now my bestfriend is going to be beaten, and never trust any adult again. Sara will grow up scared only knowing fear, and sadness. Amy... God knows what he'll do to her. (Not saying she can't handle herself but when someone who has a gun says to shut up, and do what he says you do unless you some kinda death wish.) And it's all cause I opened my mouth.

I stopped myself from crying more, and thought to myself, •Wait this isn't over. Just calm down Ryan. You can fix this, I know what I have to do... Kill this son of a bitch so he can never hurt anyone again. Let's see him lay a hand on someone again with a bullet launched in his skull... Twice.•.

"Hey Matt!", I hollered. Then Matt came over after pushing Amy to the floor, and her scratching the shit out him. I've gotta say whatever happens to her she is gonna go down with defense wounds, and he's not gonna leave in one piece that's for sure... That's not just me saying that because I needed to believe that, and that's simply just the truth.

He said, "What do you want, and how the hell do you know my name?". I smirked his signature smirk.

Then replied, "Oh I know a lot of things about you in fact we all do, and I just wanted to give you a gift.". He looked confused as hell, and that's exactly how I wanted him. Plus that gave me time to slip out of my restraints. Which was exactly what I wanted.

"Gift? What the hell do you mean give me a gift?" Matt said.

I lied straight through my teeth and said, "A chance to get out of here alive. Leave now you get to live. Consider it my gift to you.". He laughed at me, and I took that as my chance. I pulled out my 9mm., and shot him straight in head. Everyone gasped at my insane yet calm action of shooting the man dead.

I took a deep breath, and begin to untie people. I started with poor little Sara who I then drugged, that way when she wakes up we can just say it was all just a nightmare. Then as a begin to untie Mason I heard Jenna scream, and without missing a beat I turned a shoot that son of a bitch again straight in the back of his skull. Again so now he's dead. Really dead, and this time Matt's dead permanently. We later found out that I shot him in the exact same place I shot him the first time.

Even I was spooked by my pure cold ways that night, it makes me wonder if there is a killer inside me like the shrinks all said behind my back, and at conferences. Sometimes it scares me. I mean just because I hit a kid that tormented my little brother practically all of his life, and he ended up in a coma doesn't make me crazy. It sure as hell doesn't make me a killer. I just did that because I had to, just like when I shot Matt. I mean no one is crying cause Matt's dead. So what's the big deal?

So I'm not crazy I'm just a nice guy who's also a very protective older brother, and friend. But I can't take the chance of them knowing that when I was 16 I was basically diagnosed as a psycho. They might kick me out of the group.... then how will I find my brother? Plus I'm not crazy I'm just an everyday normal guy, who happens to have a past. Then again who doesn't have a past?

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