CHAPTER 3: Honoring Aaden

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I finally spoke up again (which in a way proved my position as the group leader), and questioned, "So what are we going to do with Aaden? I think we should at least bury him. The other walker; we can probably just burn the damn thing.".

Jenna complained in her winy I-want-everything-to-go-my-way-or-you'll-never-hear-the-end-of-it voice, "No we can't just burn a person's dead body. That would be so disrespectful! And how come you want to just bury Aaden? What did you have a thing with him?".

"What?! I didn't have a thing with Aaden, we worked together, and my partner liked him! Plus there's no way I'm burying that thing after what it did to Aaden!", Kyle agreed with me, so did Ryan. That upset Jenna very badly. If you know Jenna, than you know things can get very ugly if she doesn't get her way. I prepared my self for the worst, and Kyle did the same. Poor Ryan had no clue what was coming which is the very bad side to being the group newbie.

Jenna insisted, "Fine since people's body's can just get trashed, and burned. I say let's just burn them both!", Jonah didn't want her to get mad at him so he agreed but, Kyle, Ryan, and me stood our ground. I could tell Jonah was on my side too when he shook his head after she said that. I mean that was so ridiculous! But, what do you expect from Jenna? Always such a damn drama queen.

Jenna; who was now furious exclaimed, "Why aren't you, and Kyle agreeing with me? You both know I'm right! What did that whore sleep with you earlier so you'd agree with her? I bet you did, you dumb bitch!". Whoa even I was shocked that time. I'm sorry but, I'm a whore? She's dating Jonah but, she already has her eye on Ryan, and I'm the whore. Whatever. Sometimes when we fight I wonder why I'm friends with her in first place! I mean she can be such a major bitch without even trying!

Jonah put his hand on her shoulder, and said, "Babe, calm down.". God, but what Jenna heard was: "I'm taking her side. Babe just get over it your wrong! Oh, and by the way I'm cheating on you with Amy!". So she shook him off her shoulder madder than ever now obviously.

Then she demanded, "Don't touch me! I can't believe it you slept with her too? How could you do that to me, to us? Of all people you could cheat on me with, my best friend? What's wrong with you Jonah? I thought I knew you... Well I guess I don't now. And aren't you at least decent enough to know that we should bury the dead, those who have fallen, no matter what? You know what we're over, I can't take this anymore!".

I couldn't believe she would go that far. Jonah really loved her, he looked like he was in shock. Jonah might not have looked like it but, he was fragile. She might as well of ripped out his heart, crushed it in her hands, then handed it back to him. Kyle asked, "Jonah? Man are you okay? I'm sure she didn't mean it. She was just upset. You know how girls are.". It was too late, she had crushed him, he silently began to curse, and he begin to pound on the walls. Then he about exploded, and I was done absolutely done.

I was done with her crap, after that fake scene she made, she started to flirt with Ryan; who looked at me helplessly. Even he could tell that if he reacted any other way Jonah would try to fight him. I walked over to Jenna, and pushed her away from Ryan; who looked so relieved. She just glared at me. I knew if she didn't do what I told her to, I would beat her ass. I thought to my self, •That ought to be enough influence for her. And I'm a dumb bitch, right•.

I dictated, "Look at me now Jenna. I don't know what's gotten into you, but if you want to live, you need to stay with this group. Right now if you ask me, I don't have a reason I should keep you here, with all the conflict you're causing. Listen up if you want to fucking live you will go apoligize for what you said to Jonah, Kyle, Ryan, and me. Don't let one of your stupid fits get that out of control ever again, because, next time I won't hesitate to beat some sense into you. Understand?". She nervously nodded yes. •Too bad,• I thought, •Bestfriend or not, I was really looking forward to beating some sense into her. I couldn't help but, want to, because I swear that girl... sometimes she made me see red...•.

She stammered an apology to everyone. Then Jonah told us he would be elsewhere when Kyle, Ryan, and me handled the bodies. Kyle thought that since that other person changed Aaden, then we should torch that body near his grave. So Aaden in some sense could watch karma take place. I chuckled, "Yeah Aaden would've wanted that.".

So Ryan, Kyle, and me dug a hole under the old willow tree out back, six feet deep about. Ryan, and me switched out every so often. At first I would go load our cars with supplies, and some of Aaden's things, while Ryan would dig. Then we would switch. We finally got most of the stuff in the cars, by then it was almost dark.

That's when I realized, we are going to have to spend the night here.... But, the only walkers we would see would be people that accidentally got infected trying to see their loved ones. Possibly some dumb kids or teenagers. Aaden had good security here though so we'll be alright. Jonah came to see Aaden get buried, and to the funeral.

He buried Aaden, after I helped him place Aaden's body in the grave. As Jonah placed dirt in the grave, he cried, and that's when the rest of us began to cry, even Ryan. I guess it finally sank in our good pal Aaden was gone. I always expected him to die some noble death, not to die from some crazy plague. After we finished, nobody really knew what to say for his funeral.

Ryan ended up filling in the silence, he had us all say the lords prayer. Then we apologized for anything we needed to, (no one needed to but Ryan who cried as he said, "I'm sorry I tried to rob your store. I was always just the dumb, helpless, over protective brother. Without Dylan I don't know what to do.... Maybe that's a good thing, I actually did something good because of you. I'm gonna find him for you okay? I will. I swear on it, I will find him.".).

Then we all promised him the same thing, that we would help find Ryan's brother, save anyone we could, and live. The last thing I promised Aaden was that Its take care of the group, because when we all first met he said to me with a laugh, "If anything ever happens to me, I want you to take care of the group. Be their leader. They'll need someone to keep them under control. Someone like you Amy.".

Then we all said, "For Aaden!"as we burned the body of the walker that infected him as cheesey sounding as that is. We later viewed the security tapes, and discovered he blocked the door, so the walker couldn't get through. He tried to save us.... I guess he did die a noble death like I always thought he would. Just a bit different than I think anyone would've saw happening before of this, this apocalypse starting.

Kyle, and me watched the video again, and relived his last moments. Until I pointed out it looked like someone shoved Aaden forward. We both thought for a second what if Jenna killed him? Then we shook our heads; no way she could've killed him. I know she hasn't been herself lately but, she's a good person at heart. Plus she's still my bestfriend, and always will be fights we have don't matter we're friends until the end.

The question still bugged me, what if Jenna really did kill Aaden. I mean we never asked her what happened. Good but, she is my friend, I mean we know this girl. She couldn't have killed someone. I still had the feeling I was lying to my self, but, I refused to believe she would do something like that. So that silenced my doubt. For now. Only for now though, only for now....

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