CHAPTER 6: Cheating, Love, and Betrayals

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Amy's POV

I demanded, "Jenna what the hell is wrong with you? You just tried to get a prisoner freed who just shot a little girl!", after that she tried to hit me so I followed the rule of ten pounds of force to the jaw knocks out a 100 pound person for ten minutes, and hit her hard enough to knock her out for twenty. Then I set Mason down. Kyle, and Jonah were still recovering on the couch, and by that I mean lying in the exact same place I put them for like an hour until they could move again... Did I mention Jenna used to play soccer? Ryan laid the little girl next to Mason on the floor (we figured then he'd calm down finally, but, he didn't).  God the way the kid was screaming you would've figured he was the one Jenna kicked!

Then I had Ryan tie up Jenna (to a chair), while she basically told us all her thoughts about what had just happened. Apparently she cheated on Jonah 20+ times, thinks I'm trying to steal him from her (I'm not), and loved that guy (whose name was Jake Holten?) way more then she ever loved Jonah. Most astonishing of all she killed Aaden. That made Kyle laugh as he said, "I told you that bitch killed Aaden!".

Jonah said, "No that single bitch killed Aaden!". I was happy for Jonah, I haven't seen him this happy in awhile. Now he's practically always smiling, sometimes for no reason at all, just to smile. Its been 30 minutes since I hit Jenna. God I must have hit her harder than I thought. Finally she began to wake up.

As we argued on how to wake her up, Kyle decided to just yell, "Hey bitch! Wake up dumb ass. Sorry if I'm interrupting your dreams because, that's all a single bitch has! Dreams!". Even I had to laugh at that one, oh Kyle. Jenna woke up quite confused in a room full of her former friends, and her ex-boyfriend, and she was tied to a chair. Not any position I'd like to wake up in.

Jenna asked confused as ever, "Hey guys, what's going on? Why am I tied to a chair?". I laughed, and told her she knew why she was there.

She said, "Was it because, I wanted to let that guy go? I wasn't in the right mind then, I didn't want you guys to worry but, it was cause I fell, And and hit my jaw. See that's why its black, and blue. Jonah, baby you believe me right?". Jonah just laughed, and shook his head no.

Then he replied, "Why should I listen to my ex-girlfriend? Especially my ex-girlfriend that cheated on me 20 or more times! And, you plotted to kill Ryan! Why would anyone believe you after all you did?".

She asked, "What? How did you know about that? I never told anyone!".

I said, "Yes you did. A matter of fact you told us All. In only 30 minutes. Which is amazing isn't it? With how much you were hiding including that you killed Aaden. All I have to say is good luck finding a new group. If you refuse to do so I could always shoot you with your own gun but, whatever you prefer princess.".

Kyle said, "Seriously? Out of all guns her own? That's why I love you babe.". Then we all told her to take her time, and choose her fate. Then we went to check on those poor traumatized kids.

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