Chapter 17: How-To Kidnap Someone In The Middle Of The Zombie Apocalypse!

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Devin's POV

I was impatiently waiting for Amy, and her group as I pace the hallway waiting for the rest of my team to get done killing So the girl, and her group could be the part of my snatch and grab plan called the victims. No wait, I'm the victim in all this, me and my brother are the victims! I was determined to finish my mission. I will make sure not to let her screw me up this time just like the last time. She managed to get me arrested on her first day when no one else could. So how she managed to catch me? Simple; her senses are sharper than mine. But not anymore.

I made sure that I'd be the one to rule this prison as soon as I got here. And now I'll have everything I want: power, and the girl who ruined my life, and everyone she cares about. So yes you may as well label me the happiest man on earth (that's alive that is). But still I'm happier than a walker horde that just found a group of survivors.

So yeah I'm not pegging this whole Zombie Apocalypse thing as a bad thing. I think it's a good thing. Maybe even a great thing, because I mean it gets me everything I want. I mean what's more to ask for except that this goes well? Nothing. Which is exactly how I want it. •I'm still concerned about my brother though but right now I have to focus. Because those who focus win, and I want to win. •, I think as I walk down the chilly prison hallways. The words; I want to win, seem to be on repeat in my head as I travel towards my location I choose for the grab.

I'm now in cell block B waiting for Amy, and her group to enter my line of fire, and sight. The other group contains three people, and one little girl of about 5 years of age. I have no idea why they'd bring her with them, but I assume that they didn't have a choice because if else she definitely would not be here. Especially how Amy is with kids, she loves them to death, and would kick anyone's ass who would hurt any little kid around her. Like even if she heard about it, they'd be in a world of trouble. (And HurtxD)

How do I know? Well I know you're thinking oh, you were abusing some kid or something. Well you're wrong, and all the people who did are dead in this prison. I made sure of that, and checked everyone that didn't get infected out, and then killed the few scum of the Earth that tried to get by with us. So that means anyone who's alive still is a con artist, countifiter, murder, or has a wrap for assault of some kind or theft. Which all of those people come in handy anymore most definitely.

Now I'm hearing three sets of foot steps. I imagine one is Amy, the teenager, and her boyfriend. I pull out a jagged piece of a mirror to check, and bingo. I'm right, and here they come walking right into my trap. And my brother goes for the boyfriend snagging him before he can turn the corner. He does a brilliant job I personally believe. (I'm not gonna say this but, I'm proud of him.)

Now someone radios Amy back (some guy named Ryan I guess). And next my good friend Kirk knocked the teenager out with ease, and by now Amy knows something is wrong as soon as the teenager hit the ground. She immediately frowns that knowing what-the-fucks-going-on frown. But, I just smile before going for her. Because today, right here, and right now; she's mine.

I knock her to the ground with a bar that was from one of the cells nearby. She instantly mutters, "Fuck.", causing my smile to grow into a full on grin. and then I end up on my ass. She quickly reaches back and stabbed me in the leg and must have noticed that I'm human not a walker. She seems slightly relieved while I'm cursing just loud enough for her to hear, and confirm that I'm human, "Fuck my leg! You stupid fucking bitch!". I'm starting to have doubts of if I can handle Amy or not as she smiles twisting the knife in my leg.

I cried out in pain before loudly saying, "You bitch!". She must have realized something (maybe something about me?). Then she mumbled, "Fuck.". Then amazingly with one final angry blow she slips into unconsciousness. With that I hear that bitch's partner Victoria let out a personally disturbing, blood curdling scream. With that I grab Amy while smiling, and throw her over my shoulder before walking towards the security room where me, and the boys plan on meeting so we can tie them up, and separate them into one of the many rooms or cells in the prison.

After we have them separated finally all that's left is to wait for them to wake up so the real fun can begin. >:D

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