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  Chapter Seven

It was in the early hours of the morning, Elsie hadn't checked her phone for the time but she could see the faint blue glow of daylight starting to emerge in the sky. She didn't like being up before the sun could greet her, but she woke with a mouth so dry it felt as if she'd eaten sand.

She was still on the couch with Johnny, huddled up on his chest in almost the same position she was before she had fallen asleep, only now he had his arm draped over her waist to bring her closer to himself, something he had done subconsciously during his slumber.

This made Elsie's stomach do backflips. His arm around her, her head on his warm chest and the sounds of his breathing was something that she admittedly enjoyed. She secretly hoped that they could have more moments like this.

Carefully, Elsie removed his arm from around her and laid it gently on his chest before she got up off the couch in search of a glass of water.

She felt a little nosy as she opened various cupboards, looking for where he stored the cups before she found the right one and grabbed the closet cup to the front. She filled it almost to the brim and began gulping down the cool liquid, closing her eyes as it soothed her dry mouth and throat, though her morning breath made it taste a small bit foul.

She had drank half the glass before she stopped and caught her breath, eyes scanning the kitchen before it landed on the fridge. She approached it curiously and examined the things he had pinned to the surface with magnets.

There were some photos of him and what she assumed to be his parents, smiling warmly as he had his arm around his mother's waist and the other around his father's shoulders. They seemed like a happy family and she smiled at how gleeful he looked in that photo.

Then there was a seperate photo pinned just below the ones with his parents. He stood shoulder to shoulder with an older man, the pair of them in uniform as Johnny smiled next to him, though this smile wasn't like the one with his parents, this smile looked like one of pride. The man next to him was also smiling but not as much as Johnny, his mutton chop's hiding most of his face and he held a lit cigar in one hand.

Elsie hadn't seen Johnny in uniform before, but god did he look good in it, she couldn't deny that one bit.

She finished the rest of her water and sat the cup in the sink, deciding that she'd deal with it after she sleeps a little more.

Laying back down on the couch next to Johnny as quietly as she could, his sudden hum next to her was a surprise, not realising he was also awake now.

"I thought you were sleeping in the room?" He asked, though he already knew she had been next to him all night. He wanted to see what she'd say.

"I got cold," She lied. "You're like a human heater."

He chuckled lightly and moved into the couch more to allow her more space. She scooted closer to him, resting her head back in its original spot on his chest.

Johnny had his arms behind his head, lifting his head up so he could look at her, smiling for a moment at how comfortable she seemed in his company now.

"You snore." He joked and she looked up at him through her lashes.

"I do not!" She protested and acted hurt.

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