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People had been talking for so long that Johnny begun to tune them out. He didn't have the time of day to listen to people bickering and offering their condolences — like Elsie was dead? He didn't understand it.

Weeks had passed since his world came crashing to a halt. Weeks since his bed and apartment no longer felt like his home. It was nothing without the cheerful energy that radiated off of his girlfriend. He hadn't even the chance to call her that to her face yet, and now he may ne—

No! Don't think that way! He thinks to himself, reprimanding his panicked mind to bury the unthinkable scenarios deep in the back of his brain. She's not dead, he couldn't begin feeling like she was — like everyone else had been insinuating.

Price had spoken to him privately to prepare him for the worst like he had zero faith they'd bring Elsie home alive. In the few moments after he said it, he finally experienced just how scary Johnny MacTavish could be.

He had a constant reminder in the form of a black eye and a split lip.

This is the only time Johnny had ever laid hands on his friend.


"They're holding her in Dubai." Laswell's words almost didn't sound real to Johnny for a moment.

He'd waited four weeks for positive news. Four weeks of sleepless nights and verbal fights that he couldn't resist provoking.

Each of his team members were looking at him now as he swallows thickly and steps up to the laptop. Laswell could see him, a look of sadness as she observes his eye bags and bruised knuckles.

"They won't let you go after her." She tells him, referring to his higher ups. Johnny's eye twitches and the rage in his chest began to grow again.

Price's footsteps break the silence as he cautiously approaches the Scott, holding a sheet of paper out to him, which he takes quickly. His eyes fixated on it, tracing the whole page and realising this was the building plan for where they were holding Elsie.

His eyes flick back to the Laptop — to Laswell.

"Go get your girl."

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