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The first two days after Johnny's arrival were spent laying in bed, on the couch, or in the bath. His entire body ached with the reminder of how much he was forced to push to his limits for two whole weeks without even so much as a few hour's sleep. Elsie could see it in his eyes and the way he moved around; so slow and careful. So they stayed laid down, cuddling and talking nonsense until he'd fall asleep for a few hours, in which Elsie would run her fingers through his hair soothingly to help him sleep.

Whenever Johnny would begin to stir, she'd coo him back to sleep with sweet whispers and gentle touches, inching him back to his seemingly peaceful dreams. She liked when he slept; his face was void of any stresses — no lines or furrowed brows, just simply at peace. It made her smile warmly and her heart fall more for the Scott.

"I need a haircut." Johnny says, brushing his Mohawk out in the bathroom mirror, Elsie next to him as she does her eyeliner. She gives him a side eye, peering at his hair as she shakes her head.

"If anyone touches it, I'll throw hands." She tells him and he laughs, turning his body to fully face her now, watching as she continues her makeup.

"You like it long like this?" He quirks a brow. She shrugs, ignoring his answer altogether, though he could see the blush that started to form on her porcelain face.

Johnny steps forward and grabs her chin gently, turning her to him as his eyes pierce hers, his lust obvious in the way his pupils darkened and grew. Her doe-eyes widen with anticipation.

"I like that I still have this effect on you," He speaks low, almost a whisper but still so gravely that it causes a rush of heat to her core. "Hell, I hardly have to do anything to make you nervous—"

Elsie's eyes widened when a knock came to their door, loud and urgent, though they knew that wasn't the case.

She pushes him away playfully and sets her makeup down, adjusts her hair and pulls him from the bathroom.

"He always knocks like someone's died on our front step." She says sarcastically, making way to the front door. Johnny only laughs as he swings it open, meeting his friend on the other side.

"Simon, hey."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Dinner with Johnny's dearest friend was always a refreshing pastime. Elsie enjoyed their back and fourth banter, and when they share with her some of their stories of missions abroad — not mentioning the gruesome details, only the adventures — she listened with eyes so wide and interested that even Simon had begun to admire her innocence... maybe even envied it.

At the end of their night together Simon had pulled Johnny a little ways behind Elsie as they walked back to their place, making sure to keep an eye on her as she talked on the phone to Janet.

"You've outdone yourself, Johnny," He tells him and wraps an arm around his shoulder. The Scott turns his head to face him, brows furrowed as he wondered what he meant. "She's a good egg, keeps you sane. God knows you need someone like that after the shit we go through."

"Don't fuck it up." He adds.

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