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  Chapter Eight

Elsie had fallen asleep on Johnny one final time before the sun had finally risen and lit the entire sky on fire. Johnny gently shook her awake once the alarm on his phone chimed next to them, telling them that he had to get up for work soon.

He was disappointed, not wanting to leave her company at all, but he was already behind on his paperwork and had also promised Ghost that he'd assist with training the new recruits. He couldn't skip out on work today no matter how much he wanted to.

Elsie was also upset at the inevitable absence that Johnny would succumb to, although like him she was also behind on her work and would most likely have to tackle the subject with her parents; she only hoped they wouldn't be too angry with her for it.

"I don't want you to go," Elsie began, her arm tightening around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. "You're far too comfortable to sleep on."

Johnny chuckled and laced his fingers through her hair, rubbing her head gently as he looked down at her on him.

"I don't want to go either, Els. But duty calls unfortunately." He told her and shifted so that he could slide out from under her to stand.

His new found nickname for Elsie made her heart flutter happily at the sound of it rolling off his tongue. She was never one to like nicknames — even though she had only ever been called Elsie — but because it came from him she was starting to change her mind about it.

"You stay here and rest a little longer. I'll bring you some coffee in a minute."

Elsie smiled at him and watched as he left the living room, hearing the sound of clinking mugs only seconds later as he flicked the kettle on to boil.

She laid on her back, stretching her arms out with a yawn as her joints cracked at the lack of movement they'd been subjected to majority of the night. The only time she really moved was when she had kissed Johnny.

"Oh my god.." Elsie whispered, clasping a hand over her mouth at the sudden remembrance.

The feeling of his soft lips against hers had almost escaped her mind from her tiredness, but just as quickly as the memory made its appearance in her head, so did the butterflies in her tummy. Only this time she welcomed the funny feeling, pushing aside the thoughts that screamed at her to run away and hide.

Johnny returned to the lounge, a mug of coffee in each hand as he passed her one while she sat up to drink it.

"Careful, it's hot." He warned.

They sat in a comfortable silence before Elsie spoke up.

"So..." She began, hesitant to continue. "This morning was.. nice."

She kept her gaze on the cup of coffee in her hands, watching as the steam rose from it as she tapped her fingers against the ceramics nervously.

"Oh?" Johnny teased, smirking at Elsie who refused to look his way. "Then why do you seem so shy?"

"I don't know— I just— I don't do this very often." She fumbled her words and took a glance at him, noticing his smug expression before smiling and turning her attention back to her mug.

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