Collision course

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I sat next to Gabby on the couch while she wrapped her arm around me like a boa constrictor. Gertie stared at us in confusion while the guy seethed.

"Dyson and I were hoping to spend time together and talk, if you don't mind?" Gabby asked.

I mind. I'm getting dragged into a mess, not mine.

"Gertie told my grandmother you were single," the guy said.

"Um, well, Grams and I have had a chance to talk since work and school have been super busy," Gabby said.

You and Gertie? What about you and me? It's not like we discussed the matter. You assumed I would agree.

"I don't think that's right," the guy griped.

"Why? It's not like I promised you a date." Gabby shrugged.

"You're such a tease!"

Whoa. Wait. What?

"How am I a tease?" Gabby asked.

"You acted like you were interested in me," the guy said.

"I never said that."

"Like hell you didn't!"

I stood up, grabbed Gabby's hand, and dragged her from the room upstairs. I didn't care if she tripped on her way up. She pulled me into her little fantasy world. She can suck it up.

We reached the bedroom I was staying in.

I closed the door, released her hand, and turned to her.  "Explain now." I pointed my finger at the floor before putting them on my waist.

"Grams' neighbor has a grandson, Albert. Grams has been trying to set me up with him."


"I don't want to date him and told Grams so."

"So, you dragged me into your scheme?" I raised my brow.

"You were the closest person who could pass as my fake boyfriend."

"I don't want a fake girlfriend. I want to be left alone." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Can you help me out?"

"Will you leave me alone if I do?"



"Okay. We should set some ground rules."

"Fine. No hugging, kissing, or anything else."

"Couples do all that." Gabby raised her finger.

"We're not a couple."

"Um, okay. You don't seem very friendly."

I looked at Gabby but didn't respond.

"Fine. You know what. I'll tell Albert the truth." Gabby reached for the door handle.


Gabby stopped and turned to me.

I wasn't planning to get involved with anyone. The fewer people who knew about me, the better. It was less chance of my family finding me. "I'll help you with your issue. Then we need some ground rules."

"Fair enough."

We left my bedroom and returned downstairs. I acted like the loving boyfriend so that this dickweed would go. There was something about him that I didn't like.

After the douche left, Gabby reassured Gertie everything was fine. No, it wasn't. Now I have a fake girlfriend.

Once Gertie left the room, Gabby and I talked.

The Harper Family: Colliding Paths (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now