ch 10 Rumors And A Plan For Revenge

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Rumors And A Plan For Revenge

The next morning Yugi was woken up by morning sickness and Yami was right there by his side, pushing his bangs back from his face. "Are you ok Aibou"? Yami asked him.

"Yea I'm ok, thank you Mo Hitori No Boku". Yami kissed him on the forehead lovingly.

"Any time little love, well we should get ready for school"

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"Any time little love, well we should get ready for school". Once both boys were ready for school they went downstairs. Grandpa had already made french toast for breakfast.

"Mmmm that smells good grandpa," Yugi said rummaging around in the fridge for the pickles and the Nutella.

He placed the pickles and the Nutella on the table, grabbed six pieces of french toast, spread the Nutella on them, and poured the syrup over both the pickles and the french toast. Yami and Grandpa looked like they were gonna throw up from the way Yugi was fixing up his breakfast. But knew not to say anything for fear of getting hit with more food. Once they finished they put their plates in the sink and bid Grandpa goodbye, they headed off to school. Once they got to the gates they saw Joey looking pretty pissed off.

("Yami what's going on?") Yugi asked him.

("I don't know Aibou but I'm about to find out. The only time I've ever seen Joey that pissed was when Weevil tossed your Exodia cards overboard," Yami said.

Yami walks up to Joey. "Hey, Joey what's going on?" Joey was too angry to speak.

"Tea is what happened". Yami clenched his fists as he started to hear rumors about him and Yugi, Yami had a feeling Tea was behind it.

"What. Did. She. Do. Joey?" Yami growled.

"She is spreading it around the school that Yugi is pregnant and he doesn't know who the father is because he slept with more than 10 people," Joey said

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"She is spreading it around the school that Yugi is pregnant and he doesn't know who the father is because he slept with more than 10 people," Joey said.

Yugi's eyes went wide and he started to cry. He ran off to find a place to cry where nobody would find him. Before he knew it he was in the abandoned wing of the school. He slid down in front of a classroom door and just cried. I thought she was my friend why would she do this? I didn't do anything to her. Is she really that mad that I'm with Yami? I mean she just stormed out of my house when Yami and I told the gang that I'm pregnant and she looked really mad. Yugi thought to himself as he pulled his knees up to his chest with a bit of difficulty because of the slight baby bump.

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