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The brunette woke up in cold sweat once again only to find out that it was the same dream, same black misty figure and same words. He sighed as he massaged his temples with his free hand, looking beside him to see the ginger sleeping soundly. He shut his eyes for a few seconds before opening them once again. He sighed softly as he stayed awake and waited for the ginger to wake up.

This has been happening for a few weeks already. Mori has been giving them missions and they did it in a way so as for Dazai to not take the spotlight because he is actually pronounced dead. Chuuya did all the problematic things like fighting and making announcements while Dazai was at the back, giving orders, instructions and mostly he's always on his laptop , staring into the screen, usually for hacking or messaging. That will be the routine for all Soukoku missions until Mori finds that it's time to step up his game. Every single mission was success since they had the demon prodigy back on their team.

Sadly, Chuuya won't be able to use corruption currently but he didn't seem to have any problem with that. It was now a normal thing for them to sleep together, that made all of Chuuya's nightmares go away but Dazai realized that he was the one who was having it now. Probably because of his fabulous acting skills, he could hide his exhaustion from the other executives, the boss and even his own partner. However, like every normal human being, it was only a few more weeks before it took a tole on Dazai and the brunette felt more lethargic every passing day and on some nights, he won't even sleep at all.

Chuuya, who was unaware of the nightmare occurrences for Dazai, found it weird that his partner was looking more and more tired everyday. Chuuya was no fool, from Dazai's posture, smile and voice, he could sense a difference with Dazai. He was obviously concerned but he decided to not say anything since he knew Dazai could take care of himself. That was until an unfortunate incident happened.

"Waste of bandages! Walk a bit faster, we're going to be late for the meeting!" It was just one of those days which Mori suddenly called up an unexpected executives meetings to talk and discuss about attacks and plans. All the executives hated it but they had to go and most importantly, be on time! Currently, Chuuya was far ahead of Dazai. The brunette, sadly was lacking quite behind and using a lot of focus and energy already to try and not to faint, right there and then. Poor Dazai was suffering without anyone knowing. 

His breaths becoming shallow, the brunette stopped in his tracks as he clutched his chest which felt as if it would going to explode any moment. His vision was getting blurry, the black and white surroundings turning into a muddy mess. Chuuya who noticed that Dazai wasn't in sight anymore, reluctantly walked back and saw the state Dazai was in and knew something was wrong. "Oi! Dazai, you okay?" The brunette could still hear Chuuya voice from far away but it sounded like mutters and it wasn't clear. Before Dazai knew it, his eyes hazy, he wavered before falling. His exhaustion finally taking him with it into the darkness. 

"Dazai? Dazai!" Chuuya rushed forward, checking for a pulse before running towards the meeting room with Dazai in his arms after realising his pulse was fine. Bursting through the door, Chuuya set the brunette down tot eh floor before glancing at Mori. The raven-haired took a while to process what happened bt quickly stood up when he tilted his head and saw the scene. 

Being a doctor before becoming port mafia boss, Mori was quite a skilful man. Having all sorts of tricks and cures right at his fingertips. He purposely remembered all the concepts, equations and that gave an advantage to him when cases like Dazai's currently, he didn't need to revise through those thick and heavy books like normal doctors. 

It was just a few minutes in deafening silence until Mori sighed in relief. He gestured for the ginger who was worrying at the side to carry Dazai to the clinic. Along the way,  Mori asked, giving a curious side glance at Chuuya was beside him. "Anything happening between you two at night?" The ginger nearly chocked as he gave a shocked look at his boss who smirked, knowing he guessed right. "I didn't know you two were that close to do tha-" Chuuya coughed loudly a few times before interrupting Mori, " Boss, all due respect but we didn't do that. We're just sleeping together to solve some problems." A slight blush was visible on the Ginger's face but he tried to hide it with his hat. Mori chuckled slightly, "I was joking, I understand but did Dazai-kun talk to you about anything that kept him awake at night?"  Chuuya glanced at Mori, "Is there?"

Hello! This chapter is a bit rush. I think that I only will be able to update once a week now so I hope you guys will look forward to a new chapter to a new week! Thank you for understanding! 🫶

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