Anything for you...

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Upon seeing the raven-haired man nodding at him, the ginger tried to think back. "Not that I know off..." Mori hummed in response. He hid it well but the ginger knew he was thinking hard about something, his tone was more anxious as well. 

"It seems that Dazai-kun fainted because of the lack of sleep." Chuuya's eyes widened. Looking at Chuuya's reaction, Mori smiled, "Maybe I'm just paranoid and he's just tired." Chuuya smiled back but it was a worried one.  

"I've heard from Kouyou that you've been having nightmares?" Chuuya cursed at himself and an awkward laugh was earned from the ginger. Mori chuckled as he waved his hand, gesturing not to worry about it.

"Let me guess, it was an ability and Dazai nullified it?" Mori continued and Chuuya nodded, not at all surprised that his boss could see through the reason easily.

Setting down Dazai on the bed in the sick bay, Chuuya turned to Mori and asked, "Then there shouldn't be a problem. Why has he not been sleeping?" Mori sat down and rested his head in his hand before commenting, "I think the nightmares are affecting him as well..." Chuuya raised a brow, "But he shouldn't be affected, it's an ability!"

"But what if it isn't. Remember lovecraft? His tentacles weren't an ability." Chuuya recalled lovecraft. That enemy who was part of The Guild which the port mafia and mostly ADA defeated. That man or should Chuuya say, being, was unique. His strong and powerful tentacles weren't an ability but instead a skill and that resulted in Soukoku relying on a bomb and Chuuya's corruption. It made it hard to defeat him when Dazai couldn't nullify his ability. The thing that slightly scared Chuuya was his dark and empty grey eyes. It had no meaning, emotion or value in them, just like Dazai's when Chuuya first met him. The point that there are more such beings, similar to lovecraft, that made Chuuya worry. Using corruption is always the last option for him. It tires him out, mentally and physically, it takes him at least 24 hours to recover to full strength. If somehow, there are more than 1 of them who attacked them in a single day, many Yokohama citizens would die in vain. Despite the port mafia's harsh ways and murders, their main priority is to protect the Yokohama citizens at all costs.

"If that is so, we need to find that man and execute him." Mori continued, noticing how Chuuya was catching up. The ginger nodded. "We will have to wait for Dazai to wake up before we take any action." The raven-haired man smiled, his eyes eyeing Dazai suspiciously. " Great! We can plan now. Dazai-kun, wake up!" Chuuya glanced at Mori weirdly before he heard the shuffling of the sheets and the brunette lying on it suddenly sat up. Chuuya stifled a gasp, clearly shocked at the sudden movement from Dazai.

"When was he awake?" Mori smirked, patting Dazai on the shoulder, "Right after I checked on him in the meeting room." Chuuya's eyes widened. That meant that Dazai had been listening to their conversation the whole time.

Upon noticing Chuuya's visible frown, Mori chuckled, "Dazai-kun has many talents. One of them is waking up fast after losing consciousness. His best record time is 25 seconds." Chuuya coughed a few times and nodded.

It was only now that Chuuya really saw Dazai's ruffled hair and light eye-circles. Why didn't Dazai say anything? No, it wasn't Dazai's fault, it was Chuuya's. Why didn't he ask? He shouldn't have assumed that Dazai could handle himself. Mori looked at the clock on the wall before standing up abruptly, "I need to go back to the meeting. You two stay here." The raven-haired closed the door and his hurried footsteps were heard. Both just sat there in silence.

"Why did you do it when you started having nightmares?" Chuuya asked softly, glancing at his hands squeezing his pants fabric tightly. Because of how Chuuya was sitting beside Dazai, the brunette clenched Chuuya's hand which made the ginger look up. Dazai noticed the guilt dwelling in the ginger's eyes and sighed. "Because you needed the sleep..." Chuuya bit his lower lip, "You need sleep too..."' The brunette's hand left Chuuya's hand, leaving the ginger's hand cold and empty. However, the ginger felt a hand ruffling his hair gently. "Anything for you, Chuuya." The ginger looked up into the brunette's eyes and it wasn't his usual cold and emotionless one, it held feeling, warmth or should Chuuya say, affection. Chuckling, Chuuya leaned back onto the chair, "What are you saying, mackerel?" The brunette joined in the laughter as he slowly leaned back as well.

 "Now that we know that nightmares aren't an ability, we need to find the person responsible and put a stop to this." Dazai nodded, before smirking, "I already have an idea on who it is..." Chuuya wasn't surprised, the brunette he knew always could predict and his predictions were never wrong.

"Then," Chuuya stood up and dusted the dust off his pants before continuing, "We have to take action already!" Dazai chuckled softly to himself, looking at Chuuya's enthusiasm. He swung his legs out from under the covers and stood up wobbling, getting supported by Chuuya. "I already have a plan..." He looked at the ginger, who looked interested and wanted to know the plan already. He stayed silent before continuing, " You might have to change outfits though..." The ginger raised a brow as he saw Dazai walking out of the room, smirking. Chuuya had a bad feeling but he decided to shrug it off and follow the suspicious brunette, hoping his ideas weren't going to be absurd. Chuuya was deeply mistaken!

 A loud sigh dragged out of the ginger's lips as he massaged his temples. He raised a fist, glaring at the brunette who was trying hard to stifle a laughter. "I swear to god...why must I be the one to dress as another gender?" Anger lacing all the ginger's words. Dazai coughed a few times, swallowing the laughter with it, trying hard not to tease the ginger. "Because Chibi has a feminine build..." Chuuya sighed once more, "Why must I even dress a girl anyway?" Dazai smiled before explaining, "Because our target is attracted to beautiful women." Chuuya nodded understandingly as he resisted the urge to punch the brunette in the face in that instance.

Name: Kurai Sato

Age: 45

Birthday: Unknown

Ability: Unknown

History: From a wealthy family. Was a lawyer and had a wife. Because of unknown reasons, the couple divorced and stopped being a lawyer. Now, he owns a club, mostly for the sexual purposes of others and himself. Club name: Spicy secrets

That was soukoku's new target. Dazai guessed it was him since he was once seen passing information about a gang's weaknesses and that gang was found dead, each and every member in the gang except one. The police didn't investigate Kurai because they wanted to catch the gang anyway. So, Kurai was let off the hook. That one surviving member had many scars and was permanently bedridden. Before he died from a heart attack in the hospital just 3 weeks after the attack, he told the authorities that most of the members had nightmares and started losing sleep. Afterwards, because of exhaustion, most collapsed and had to be treated, Kurai took the chance to place cameras and steal important files from the gang. The authorities were clueless on how that could happen and issued that it was an accident. The real reason is unknown.

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