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Walking slowly down the stairs, a ginger scoffed, "I'm not shocked that you made a plan so fast, I'm shocked on how you got the report of Kurai." The brunette walking next to the ginger, ready to catch the ginger if he fell, smirked. "When Mori-san called me, I swiped it off his shelf." Chuuya sighed as he gave a 'are you serious?' looks at Dazai. The brunette noticed that but continued taunting his boss, "And he didn't even notice!" Chuuya rolled his eyes as he striaghtened his posture upon seeing the lighted banner a few meters away from the duo. Neon lights followed traces and the words were, 'Spicy Secrets' , more colourful lights surrounding the already colourful banner. The entrance of the club was tucked neatly away near an alley, the only thing to show that it was a club or bar of some sort is because of the utterly attracting banner which brought light to the whole dark alley. The walls beside the two glass doors were dirty and many random advertisement papers were stuck on them. Some wanted and missing papers as well that most people didn't even take a glance at. To them, it was just a piece of paper with a face printed on it. Chuuya could feel his sweat drop when he saw the two guards in black formal suits, guarding the glass doors. Before he could even say anything, he was pushed gently to the door by Dazai. Through the gap between the two bury males in front of the doors, the anxious ginger could see the lights enveloping the pitch black room. Both genders on the dancing floor every time the lights shone on them. Chuuya gulped down and took a side glance at his partner who was currently making an excuse to get into the club to convince the guards.

The ginger maintained his gaze at the floor to prevent the guards from looking at him and getting suspicious after seeing his face. Being the talented person he was, Dazai got a free ticket into the club easily. The brunette confidently walked into the crowded area, the ginger, walking awkwardly into the club. Looking down even more, Chuuya tried to avoid all the states Dazai and he was given when they entered the club. However, fortunately, the crowd's attention was brought back to the dancing floor when a couple volunteered to dance for the crowd. Music was blasting out of the large speakers which was the reason why everyone was avoiding the area near the speaker, allowing the ginger and brunette to easily slip past the crowd. 

Chuuya never liked crowded areas, especially clubs and bars. Not only because it was noisy but mostly because he was scared that he may get drunk and is not aware if he is pickpocketed. He point was proved right when Chuuya eyes a suspicious looking man, fishing out a leather black wallet out of a woman's handbag who was too occupied with flirting with a raven head sitting beside her. Pushing themselves through the crowd, Dazai gave a glance at Chuuya signalling for the ginger to separate from him and look for their target. Chuuya hesitantly looked around and noticed an empty spot at the corner of the club and walked towards it, maintaining his lady-like posture. The brunette continued walking and sat on one of the empty seats and observed Chuuya. The ginger knew that and that made him sigh in relief, he knew Dazai was watching him which means less troubles. 

Feeling more confident, he glanced around the busy club, he saw some drunk and sleeping which is better than the ones on the floor, talking gibberish with the passing people and giving them weird looks. The drunk side was drunk, which meant they weren't sober. Just walking aimlessly around the club to try and find Kurai. The ginger head made sure to not bump into anyone. He hesitated when he reached the deeper part of the club, where there were many circle tables around the place, making it difficult to manoeuvre with the red frilly dress Chuuya was wearing. Well, only the end of the dress was frilly but still, it would at least come into contact with people sitting on the chairs.

Chuuya looked back at the brunette cautiously who was staring right back at him. Lifting his hand to his head, the brunette moved his finger to look like he was scratching his hair but it was a signal to move forward. Soukoku established all the signals all over again and thankfully, Dazai was a quick learner. Chuuya sighed to himself as he clenched his gloved hands and walked past the tables and his worst thought came through. All eyes were on him now, mostly the males. The females were all staring at Chuuya with envy burning in their eyes. Taking deep breaths, the ginger said a few 'excuse me' before making his way past the cluster of tables. The ginger was about to quickly move on but caught a glimpse of a blue-haired male standing up and walking in his direction. Chuuya bit his lip as he started to pick up his pace and walk faster. Dazai, who noticed that, jumped down from his chair and slowly followed, making sure that no one suspected he was following the ginger.

Chuuya could hear the footsteps from behind him, also picking up the pace. He held his breath and turned and opened a random door to a separate room, hoping to not interrupt anything if there was any.

 He was, much to his gratefulness, he didn't interrupt anything awkward. He leaned against the door, hearing the footsteps which probably was from the blue haired male walking past the room and a muffled grumble followed. Ensuring the male left, Chuuya slid down the door slightly, signing in relief. That'when he heard the creaking of the door. Chuuya hastily jolted up, looking at where the sound was emitted from. It was only then when Chuuya realised there was another door in the cramped room. Probably a changing room. The room he was in, there was a bed and drawer. He quickly turned around in a swift action and his hands reached for the door knob only to hear a calming and slightly rough voice coming from behind him. "Who are you?"

Chuuya froze.

The ginger turned around stiffly and quinted to see the male at the opposite side of the room. That's when Chuuya realised he had struck gold. It was Kurai. The ginger coughed a few times before bowing apologetically. The man who we all know as Kurai now, walked forward to Chuuya and on closer inspection, it seems that Kurai was a silver-haired male with a tall and strong build. Chuuya stepped backwards until the back of his heel hit the door, he stopped. Kurai lifted a brow but the look on his face wasn't rage or confusion, it was amusement. "And what is a beautiful lady like you here?" Chuuya glanced to the side of the room, thinking of a lie but instead told a short and simple one. Changing the tone and sound of his voice slightly and it convinced Kurai that he was a woman. "I got lost. Terribly sorry, kurai-sama." The silver head chuckled as he leaned forward to bring his face closer to Chuuya's. Pink dusted over Chuuya's face and he thanked the god that the darkness of the room hid it perfectly. The silver-haired man didn't even hesitate to grip Chuuya's wrist and pull him closer, wrapping an arm around his waist before saying in a husky voice, "And your name is?"

The ginger felt his heart drop, he started wrecking his brain to think of a name. "Chiyo...?" The ginger said softly, the sentence sounding like a question instead of a statement. Fortunately, Kurai didn't sense it and nodded. "Beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Gently letting go of the ginger, Chuuya shifted his body slightly to let Kurai see the side of his body in a way where it looked like it was seducing him. Kurai was obviously intrigued and stepped a few steps back. Pulling the dagger out of the hidden pocket in his dress skillfully, the ginger swiftly fished it out and hid it behind his back, walking towards his target. One strike and his target will be dead. That was all that was needed. The ginger lifted his hand up slightly, pulling Kurai closer by his tie before slashing the dagger across the air, aiming for Kurai's neck. The silver-head only noticed when it was a few centimetres away from his neck and swung his head backwards, releasing himself from Chuuya's grip. The ginger cursed himself for missing and rushed forward, determined not to make the same mistake. The target immediately threw nearby objects in his reach in the ginger who dodged it. However, due to the cramped area, it made it hard to dodge it perfectly. Taking that as an advantage, Kurai took the chance to make a run for it as he threw the blanket towards the mafiaso who couldn't dodge it in time and sight was blocked by the covers. Chuuya clicked his tongue in annoyance as he fumbled with the sheets and by the time he escaped the blanket, Kurai was fumbling with the lock of the door. Chuuya smirked, recalling that he locked the door before attempting to assassin Kurai. The ginger didn't waste a second before he pounced on Kurai, dagger in hand. However, the silver-haired man fought for his life. He stopped the dagger mid air. Chuuya was shocked since he expected Kurai to accept that it was the end of his life. Versus a Yakuza from the mafia, Kurai's strength had no chance of winning against Chuuya. However, he believed in die trying. Chuuya pushed the dagger down, he was now hovering over the silver-head. What Chuuya didn't expect was Kurai kicking Chuuya away by the chin. The ginger rubbed his chin painfully as he cursed at the man rushing to the door, opening it. That's when a loud 'bang!' was heard. A bullet was lodged into Kurai's head.

The ginger glanced up to see a familiar brunette looking coldly at the corpse. "You okay, Chuuya?" The ginger rubbed his chin painfully before nodding, leaving the corpse in the room, closing the door behind him. Dazai dragged Chuuya away from the crime scene as the duo heard the rushed footsteps coming towards them. They must've heard the commotion from outside.

Soukoku was about to jump out of the window before they heard a voice from behind them, "You two, hands up in the air!" 

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