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"You two! Hands in the air!" The voice echoed through the long hallway. It sounded like the male was at the other end of the hallway. Dazai gripped onto Chuuya tighter as the ginger tilted his head down, allowing his ginger locks to block his eyes as he took a glimpse of the man who caught them. Upon seeing the familiar blonde hair, Chuuya hastily pushed the window open and pushed Dazai out. The brunette was shocked, his grip on Chuuya's arm loosened as he dropped out of the window. He fortunately landed on some trash bags outside the window as he looked up at Chuuya who was checking on him before the ginger waved his hand which gestured to immediately leave. Dazai lifted a brow, about to ask his partner why he did that. However, before he could say anything, the ginger gave one last glare at the brunette before shutting the window and locking it. Afterward, he ran forwards. Dazai was dumbfounded before he stood up and rushed away, just in time for the blonde who caught the both of them at the crime scene looked out of the window, squinting his eyes and grumbling before chasing after Chuuya instead.

The ginger was trying his best to rush in heels and we all have to admit, he's quite talented. Running in heels. 

He turned an abrupt corner, hearing the blonde behind him right at his heel. Using his ability to lift some cardboard boxes up into the air, the boxes illuminated red before dropping back tot eh ground, blocking the pathway and giving Chuuya in an advantage to get ahead. What he didn't expect was the blonde to jump over the boxes and continue chasing. He could hear shouts of warnings that he'll shoot behind him but he didn't heed any mind to them. Bullets never worked on him anyways. 

"Please stop, madam!" the blonde warned once more and it was futile as he a small ball appeared on the blonde's hand. The blonde threw it at the ginger who dodged it but before he could continue running, the ball exploded and smoke enveloped Chuuya and his surroundings. Coughing loudly to get the smoke out of his lungs, Chuuya was unaware of the blonde just a few meters away from him, about to grab him until the ginger was pulled into a room. The door shut as that person helped Chuuya out of the window of that room and shut it close quickly. Upon clearing his lungs, Chuuya glanced at the brunette and muttered  thank you as both of them raced to the nearby car, for the port mafia members. Coughing a few more times, The ginger glanced back and saw the blonde's frustrated face and he smirked. 

The brunette sitting beside him, patted the ginger's back gently to help him cough out all the toxic fumes which he inhaled in. Dazai asked, "Why push me out of a window? We could've escaped together..." The ginger breathed in deeply, taking in fresh air once again before saying, "That blonde was an ADA member. Boss said you had to avoid them, remember?" Dazai hummed in response before he asked Chuuya to climb into the front seat. The ginger found that request weird but complied, not in the mood to argue with the brunette.

"Sorry...could you stop the car for a while?" Dazai asked politely as he glanced at the man in the driver's seat. The driver seemed hesitant but listened. Bang! Smoke escaped the muzzle of the gun as the driver fell limp onto his seat. Chuuya stared, wide-eyed at the driver. It wasn't because Dazai just killed a driver but because of the driver's body slowly melting like gum. Soon, the liquid melted onto the seats and dropped of the seat before disappearing completely, grey mist like-particles disappearing into the air. Chuuya glanced back at the brunette who just kept his gun and pointed to the driver's seat. The ginger groaned as he climbed into the driver's seat and started the car again.

"How did you know he was an imposter?" The ginger asked curiously, glancing over his shoulder at the brunette who was just relaxing because he had the whole back seat for himself. The brunette just bluntly replied with his usual stoic tone, " The driver from before had a gold ring on his ring finger. The imposter didn't." Chuuya sighed, he wasn't even surprised anymore. The brunette's observation skills were just inhuman. The brunette could spot the difference of a hundred similar looking pins. Literally and figuratively. He actually spotted a different pin from the hundred pins in the supply room when he was 16. It seems that the transporter implanted a hidden camera in that pin and was destroyed by Dazai. 

Returning back to the mafia base, the duo were met by their boss who knew who their target was. He stifled a laugh when he saw Chuuya but kept quiet as he glanced between the two before smiling proudly. "I see you've finished your mission and even found an imposter in the mafia. That's my two trusted executives." Chuuya merely bowed before he excused himself so that he could change. Dazai stayed behind, looking at the oh so interesting ground until Mori called on him. "Dazai-kun, can you follow me?" The brunette didn't even hesitate to follow his boss's orders and followed him back to Mori's office.

Holding a paper with a picture of a red building stapled to the side, Mori asked, "Do you recognise this building, Dazai-kun?" He gave the paper to the brunette. Before Dazai could answer, he was interrupted by a knock on the door and a male with black hair, combed neatly to the side, came into the room. Bowing respectfully to Mori, he placed a cup of coffee and a pile of paper on Mori's table before saying, "Here's the report and the coffee you requested. I'll now be taking my leave."

Little did he know, narrowed eyes were following that back-haired male. Adjusting his bandages on his left eye, in a blink of an eye, Dazai pounced on the male, wrapping the bandages around his neck. The raven head choked as he tried to pull the bandage away but the brunette held a tight grip. Mori looked in surprise and a tint of amusement. Until he saw the redness of the raven head's cheeks, Mori ordered, "Dazai, off!" Almost instantly, the bandages were released from the male's neck as the brunette stood up straight, facing his boss. The raven-haired male coughed as he fell to his knees, gasping hard.

"Guards, take him to the basement. "Basement actually meant torture room but Mori made it sound nicer so as to not scare the male who was almost strangled to death. The two guards in suits quickly rushed to the male and grabbed him up by his arms, bowing down at Mori and Dazai who were glaring at all three of them and quickly left. The guards rather not get glared at.

Mori walked over to Dazai and gave a menacing smile, "Now, Dazai-kun, why did you do that?" The mafia boss knew the brunette had a reason but put up a stern front to see Dazai's reaction. The brunette just looked away, his shoulders slumped slightly. "Dazai-kun..." Mori asked again, a bit louder. Mori doubted Dazai did it as an instinct but hearing absolute silence made him suspicious.

Still silence... Mori sighed as he stepped closer to Dazai, grabbing the brunette's chin and pulling him forward. Dazai grunted slightly at the sudden action as Mori gave him a glare. Dazai eyes shone in defeat, "Poison..." Mori raised a clueless brow. The brunette pointed at the coffee cup laying silently on Mori's office table as if welcoming Mori to drink it. Mori let go of Dazai and walked forward to it. He splashed the coffee on the documents and much to the raven-haired male's shock, the paper turned brown and crumpled away. He narrowed his eyes as he looked back at the brunette, standing up straight again, his emotionless face staring right back at Mori. The mafia boss nodded approvingly before patting Dazai's shoulder. "That's my right hand man, you may leave..." Dazai nodded as he left the office, still holding the paper Mori gave him.

 Dazai looked at the report and read inside his head "Armed Detective Agency..." His eyes widened when he saw the words, 'Destroy!" in capital letters and in red underneath the stapled paper. Dazai smirked as he mumbled to himself, "Show down time..."

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