Show down!

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Shock was an understatement, the silver-haired boy was now crouching down behind the couch in the ADA office. "Atsushi, get out here and help us!" A rather agitated blonde exclaimed at the teenager who was dodging bullets. The boy named Atsushi just started working at the ADA not even for a year and he was taking part in wars with the mafia. Atsushi glanced from his hiding spot which was merely behind the couch, he counted at least 15 men in black with guns and most importantly, his colleagues fighting mafiosos off. Which consisted of the black lizard and one of the top 5 executives, Kouyou. A graceful and pretty woman but Atsushi knew it would be anyone's downfall to underestimate that woman. Glancing out of the broken windows with shards of glass sprawled all over the floor, there were more men in black, holding guns and facing citizens, making everyone pass by staggering away, screaming. It seems that the Port mafia wanted to attack the ADA at the most unfortunate time when their doctor, Yasano, Tanizak, his sister, Naomi, Kenji and Rampo were out. Whoever planned the attack must've predicted that some of their important assets were gone and took the advantage and attacked the vulnerable ADA. Who knows, there may be more men in the Port mafia not allowing the rest of the ADA members to rejoin with the rest. Their healing, power, intelligence and stealth were all gone! Now, there was only Kunikida, Kyouka, the president, Fukuzawa and Atsushi. It was near impossible for the 3 of them to ward off so many enemies. The president was now fighting someone else so he couldn't help them. Atsushi could only think of what might happen if that gravity manipulator joined in the fight. Only Dazai could fight against him but he was nwo gone...No one could go against Chuuya now!

Taking a deep breath, Atsushi rushed out and dodged most of the bullets, a few grazing his arms. The men in suits tried to continue aiming at the weretiger but their guns were knocked out of their hands and they were also knocked out in a blink of an eye. That allowed Kunikida and Kyouka to rest. They mumbled thanks to Atsushi. However, they did not get to rest long when two katanas came slashing towards them. They of course, fortunately, dodged. Kouyou tapped on her earpiece to request for more men and that made Atsushi mentally groan. They totally forgot that they still had to go against the Black Lizard. Tachihara and Gin were chasing the rest of the ADA members from coming back to the office and Hirotsu was outside with the men in black, warding all citizens. So, it was only Akutagwa to deal with now. However, that was easier said than done. That little creature on his back was dangerous and fast. ONly Atsushi could deal with it. Kyouka dealt with Kouyou and Kunikida dealt with the men with weapons, which are mostly guns.

Dodging an attack, Atsushi rushed forward at the speed of lightning and that certainly shocked Akutagawa. Since, from the last time they fought, Atsushi wasn't as fast as he was now. Rashumon found it hard to block all the attacks and attack Atsushi as well. The weretiger has been training hard and boar fruits. He was now fast, stealthy and able to control his ability well. Parts of the tiger could be controlled perfectly, such as the claws, tail and tiger limbs. Akutagwa on the other hand, just got a mission the previous day and was exhausted. However, he begged to join the mission since he thought that he could still fight against the slow and sloppy tiger but was deeply mistaken.

In just a few moments, he was thrown out from the broken window by the weretiger and crashed against the opposite building, creating cracks on the wall and a slight dent. The glass of the windows of the building cracked and shattered to the ground. The workers working there immediately evacuated and ran out of the building and thankfully no one was hurt. The black head with white tips, knocked out by the sudden crash and fell back to the ground. Hirotsu looked, jaw dropped. He regained his composure and ordered some men to check on the unconscious. He wanted to go up and contribute to the attack as well but he had strict orders to stay where he was. He had no right to defy the boss's right hand man's orders so he stayed put reluctantly.

In the office, currently, Demon snow and golden demon were clashing against each other, their katana blocking and attacking in sync. Pushed away from each other by the force, they would attack each other after only a few seconds. Kyouka was slashing her small knife and aiming for Kouyou's neck. Unlike the other ADA members, she still had the mafia concept of killing and was thinking of ending the fight quickly, letting her ability handle the other's. The pink-haired lady was not backing down. As much as Kouyou wanted Kyouka to join the mafia once more, she saw the determination in Kyouka's eyes to change and join the good side.

The lady executive wanted to respect that decision but she had to follow the orders of her boss. She was mainly defending, not daring enough to attack and risk scarring Kyouka. The dark blue haired-girl took that to her advantage, trying to chase Kouyou out of the office at least and keeping her away from the other two ADA members. However, Kouyou tried to coax Kyouka the best that she could do.

"Kyouka...please stop this meaningless attack." Kouyou's voice was confident and her voice was as graceful as always. Silence was heard from the girl's side but after a while, Kyuouka spoke up, trying to be as loud as possible, to let her voice reach Kouyou as the clashing of katanas was overpowering her voice. She still continued attacking. "No...Ane-san. You stop this attack against the ADA. Knowing you, there is no reason to attack the ADA out of a sudden. You're just following your unreasonable boss's orders." The pink head was obviously not expecting that from the girl.

"I've been in the mafia for at least a year. One thing I realized is that in the ADA, we help people the best we can, not in a murderous way but in a genuine way. We never harm people and do our best to properly protect the citizens of Yokohama. You should do that too, Ane-san...Not to kill but to protect."

The mafia executive felt that time stopped for a few seconds.

"If I had protected her instead of training her to kill, it would've been different. What have I been doing?" Kouyou mumbled to herself as her katana dropped to the ground with a loud piercing clang due to the realization. She stared into Kyouka's eyes. It wasn't the same empty one, it held emotions. Kouyou's lips curled up unexpectedly as she smiled at Kyouka, it wasn't a comforting one but a proud one. Kyouka took that chance to try and knock Kouyou out. She noticed that the golden demon was gone as well. As Kyouka rushed forward, Kouyou didn't try to dodge or defend, she instead allowed Kyouka to do so. As the blue haired girl was about dodging some incoming bullets aimed randomly around the place, trying to hit Kunikida, the rest of the ADA members arrived at the doorway, their hair ruffled and messy, a few scratches and soot on their faces but they were overall unharmed. All of them groaned at the state of the office. Rampo who was nonchalantly sucking on his lollipop didn't even bother to help fight off their enemies. Kenji helped block the bullets for Kyouka as the teenage girl didn't waste another second to attack Kouyou. Before the small knife's handle reached the back of Kouyou's neck, Kyouka stumbled backwards and Tanizaki caught her before she fell. In that instance, a bullet passed through the air, the bullet plastering itself into the wall where Kyouka was initially standing.

"Ane-san...It's not like you to be easily dwindled by such pathetic words from a child nonetheless."As that strict voice echoed around the office, the mens in guns quickly kneeled down, Kouyou straightening her posture before bowing respectfully.

All the ADA member's heads turned to where the voice came from and their eyes widened wide, as if their eyeballs were going to come out of their sockets.

"We should retreat, Dazai...We're no match for them..." Kouyou suggested, lifting her head to meet those red eyes that were filled with disappointment and rage. She quickly shut her mouth when she saw Dazai glance at her. "They would have been captured by now if you haven't been emotional about a kid's words and attack." Kouyou apologies. As much as she didn't want to, Mori placed Dazai as the leader of this mission which meant that he was the boss for the day.

The brunette sighed as he turned his attention to the shocked ADA members. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Dazai Osamu, one of the top 5 executives of the Port mafia. Now, please surrender or I won't hesitate to shoot." He lifted the gun, his finger hovering over the trigger, ready to pull it whenever needed.The ADA members glanced at each other and no words were exchanged. Kunikida spoke up, "Dazai, please don't do this. Why are you with the mafia? We thought you were dead!"

A smirk formed on Dazai's face, before he tilted his head, hand still on the gun, " Don't act like you know me. I don't even know who you are. Well, except for your name and ability. So, hands up if you want to see the sun tomorrow, Kunikida Doppo."

Dazai pulled the trigger and the bullet flew beside Kunikida's head before plastering itself into the wall when the brunette saw that the blonde wasn't surrendering. Kunikida was surprised. Was this the Dazai he knew? He shot a bullet without hesitation. The blood lust in the brunette's eyes was clearly visible.

The blonde placed his hands up in the air and gestured for the rest to follow, which they all did, even Rampo who was frowning.

Dazai smiled, his grip on the gun still maintained. "There we go..."

He called out to his partner waiting outside and delivered the most shocking news to the ADA members, "Chuuya! Tell Mori-san that all but the weretiger will be dead by sundown." 

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