Part 1

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"Tell me why I am going to this party again?" Minho asked as he rolled his eyes. "Because you are my friend and you love me." Seungmin said as he put on circle rimmed glasses to complete his Harry Potter costume. "That's debatable." Minho said coldly. Seungmin turned around to look at Minho and said "You really came over here with no costume? I told you it was a costume party and that the costume wasn't optional!" "It just completely slipped my mind. It's a real shame, I mean I was honestly looking forward to dressing up but got caught up at work and didn't have time." Minho said looking around the room. Seungmin narrowed his eyes clearly annoyed as he asked "Which is it? Did you forget or you didn't have time?" "Both?" Minho answered shakily as he cracked an awkward smile. "I'm gonna find you a costume to wear." Seungmin said determined as he rummaged through his closet. Minho was debating making a run for it and just heading home when Seungmin emerged from the closet holding a Pikachu onesie. "Oh hell no." Minho said immediately as he saw the yellow monstrosity. "You're forgetting that you owe me." Seungmin said with a sly smile as he held out the onesie. "I don't owe you that much. I'd rather pay the money than wear that in public." Minho said. "You don't have the money. Wear this and come to the party with me and we can call it even." Seungmin said. "Wait, are you serious? If I wear this ridiculous costume and go to this dumb party, you will forget about the money I owe you? Like my debt will be paid in full?" Minho asked. "I'm a simple man what can I say." Seungmin said extending the costume once again. "No you're a dumbass." Minho said laughing as he snatched the costume from Seungmin's hand.

Minho sat in the back seat of Seungmin's town car feeling absolutely absurd. A grown man wearing a Pikachu onesie to a Halloween party. Seungmin sat next to him in the back seat and looked over at Minho trying to hold in his laughter. He sneakily tried to snap a picture of Minho when suddenly the flash turned on. Minho leapt at Seungmin grabbing for his phone. "What is wrong with you?! Don't take pictures of me looking like this!" Minho said as he wrestled Seungmin for his phone. Seungmin began to laugh so hard that he could no longer fight back and Minho got ahold of the phone and deleted the picture. "But you look so cute!" Seungmin said laughing as he took back his phone. Seungmin slowly reached up with his phone like he was going to take another picture of Minho. Minho slapped it out of his hand as he said "I will kill you!" This only made Seungmin laugh even harder. "We are here Mr. Kim." The driver announced suddenly. Minho flustered from the Seungmin paparazzi ordeal, got out of the car immediately. "There better be alcohol at this thing because there is no way I'm getting through this night sober." Minho said as he stormed away towards the door. Seungmin said running after Minho "Oh don't be mad! I was just playing!" Seungmin wrapped his arm around Minho but was shrugged off immediately. "Let's just get this over with." Minho said. "Wow you are the life of the party Minho, I am so glad I brought you!" Seungmin said sarcastically as they walked into the building.

From the front door, trickling up the stairs into various apartments, there were people everywhere. Seungmin made his way up the stairs motioning for Minho to follow as he said "My friends apartment is this way." "Are all these people here for your friends party?" Minho asked as he wiggled past a drunken couple making out on the stairs. "No way, but this whole apartment building does get crazy on Halloween and a lot of the time they do all just open their doors and make it into one big party." Seungmin replied. "Sounds like asking people to rob you." Minho scoffed. Seungmin rolled his eyes at the ever pessimistic Minho as he arrived at his friends apartment and knocked on the door. A girl in an Elsa costume answered the door and hugged Seungmin immediately. Elsa then exclaimed in a deep voice "Seungminnie!! You came!" Minho's mouth dropped to the floor as he realized that it was a man dressed as Elsa. 'But he's so pretty?!' Minho thought. "And you must be Minho, Seungmin told me you would be coming, it's so nice to meet you!" Elsa man said as he suddenly pulled Minho into a hug. Minho stood stiff as this stranger hugged him. Seungmin laughed nervously as he pulled his friend off of Minho and said "Sorry he's not much of a hugger Felix" Felix apologized and backed off. "I love your costume! You look so cute!" Felix said to Minho. Minho strained a smile still weirded out by the deep voice coming from such a pretty face. Suddenly this buff guy in a skin tight Peter Pan costume comes around the corner yelling "Babe! We need more chips! Where are the chips?" Minho was starting to think that it was a requirement to look absolutely ridiculous at this party and that he actually would fit right in after all. As if the encounter couldn't get any weirder, Elsa the drag queen wrapped his arms around Buff Peter Pan. "Changbin, stop yelling, say hi to Seungmin and his friend." Felix said stroking Peter Pans huge bicep. "Why are you always so loud Binnie?" Seungmin asked laughing. 'Binnie? Am I in the twilight zone? Seungmin really calls this buff dude Binnie?' Minho thought. "You're just jealous you don't have as loud of a voice as I do." Changbin said. "Yeah, yeah, anyway this is my friend Minho, Minho this is Changbin and Felix. They are the hosts of this party and my good friends." Seungmin said. Minho looked the two guys up and down thinking 'So I'm gathering that these two are a couple. Interesting pair.' "Got any alcohol Felix and Changbin?" Minho asked forcing a smile. Felix pointed towards the kitchen and Minho brushed past them heading that way. Felix shot Seungmin a look. "He's just grumpy because I made him wear a Pikachu onesie. He really is a nice guy deep down, deep, deep down." Seungmin explained while laughing nervously.

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