Part 6

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It was only a week after Thanksgiving but Minho had already put Han out of his mind completely. There clearly wasn't the connection he thought was there between them and them meeting again at Felix's Friendsgiving was pure coincidence and wouldn't happen again. Minho and Chan played rock, paper, scissors at work to see who would be host and who would be server for the day. Minho stomped back to the kitchen to grab an apron to be server. Chan laughed at how dramatic Minho was as he said "You do realize that your actual job is server right?" Just as Minho was about to clap back from the kitchen, the bell over the door rang meaning a customer had walked in. Minho could hear Chan greeting the customer and seating them as he finished tying his apron. Minho grabbed a notepad and rushed over to the table. "Good morning, what can I get you started with?" Minho said not looking up from his notepad. "How's your coffee?" asked a familiar voice. Minho looked up to see Han sitting there in the flesh. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped. 'What is he doing here?!' Minho thought. "Um, hi Han." was all Minho could mutter, he wasn't often lost for words but this took him so much by surprise that he really didn't know what to say. Han giggled at the flustered Minho as he said "Hi Minho." "W-what brings you here?" Minho stuttered. "I was actually just meeting a friend here for coffee, I didn't know you worked here." Han said. 'Suspicious... Why would anyone meet someone for coffee at a Korean barbecue place?' Minho thought. "You remember Hyunjin from Felix's party? He had a shoot near here and said this place served coffee. But it is so funny that we would bump into you here as well." Han said. Minho realized of course there was more sides to every story and Han's explanation of why they chose his restaurant made sense even if it was still a strange coincidence. "Shoot? Like photoshoot?" Minho asked. "Yeah Hyunjin is a model and had a gig nearby." Han answered. 'So he doesn't just look like a model, he is a model.' Minho thought, fighting back the urge to roll his eyes.

Hyunjin then walked through the door and Minho imagined it like a ridiculous movie scene. He was wearing a stylish outfit with beautiful accessories, flawless makeup, and his hair almost seemed to be gently blown by a magical, indoor breeze. He walked to the table where Han sat and saw Minho and said "Oh my gosh! You were at Felix and Changbins party! I'm so sorry, what was your name again?" Minho forced a smile as he said bluntly "Minho." "Oh right! I'm Hyunjin if you don't remember. Wow what are the odds that we would see you here." Hyunjin said sitting down across from Han. "Small world. Even in New York City." Minho said. "Would you guys like anything to start off with?" Minho added. Hyunjin replied "Coffee for both of us please." Minho walked back to the kitchen to find a giggling Mrs. Bahng and her teenage daughter Hannah. "What are you two giggling about?" Chan asked as he came around the corner. "Our first customers of the day and one of them is gorgeous." Hannah said. "They are both so handsome." Mrs. Bahng replied. Minho facepalmed as Chan went to go see for himself. "What! You're not kidding! I didn't notice before but they are both good looking, that one looks like he stepped out of a magazine!" Chan said loudly as he looked through the cutout in the wall from the kitchen to the dining area. Minho pinched Chan's elbow as he said in a hushed tone "Shut up! They are gonna hear you, you are so loud!" Chan laughed and said "Who cares if they hear me?" Minho looked down as he said "Well... I kind of know them." "You know them?!" Chan said loudly. Minho's eyes got big as he shot a look at Han and Hyunjin to see if they heard. Minho could see a tiny smirk on Han's face. Minho rushed out with the two coffees to try and gloss over Chan's loud self. "Hey Minho, what time do you get off work today?" Han asked. "Uh... I get off at 5pm." Minho answered nervously. "We are going to go play laser tag later tonight, you should totally come with us!" Han said with bright eyes. "With both of you?" Minho asked. "Yeah! Me and Hyunjin are going." Han said smiling.

'I'd rather cut off my big toe.' Minho thought to himself. "Oh that does sound fun but I have to pick up my cousin from the airport after work today and he came in town to see me so I should probably spend some time with him." Minho said trying to get out of the invite. "He should come too! Laser tag is always better with more people!" Han said. "Oh... uh... well I will ask him and see if he's interested but I don't know..." Minho said awkwardly. Han suddenly pulled a pen off of Minhos apron and wrote something down on his napkin and extended it to Minho as he said "Here's my number, text me if you guys can come and I'll send the address." Minho gulped as he grabbed the napkin. 'Why is he so adamant about us hanging out, we don't even really know each other and for all he knows my cousin could be like 8 years old.' Minho thought. Even so, as he walked back to the kitchen he looked down at the napkin and smiled. Chan stood in the kitchen with his mouth gaping open as he stared at Minho. "What?" Minho asked confused. "Did that guy just give you his digits?!" Chan asked excitedly. "Don't say digits. This isn't the 90's." Minho said with a disgusted face. Chan snatched the napkin from Minho as he said "Oh my god he did give you his digits!" "Which one was it?!" Chan added as he went to go look through the cutout again. Minho pulled Chan by the collar and looked him dead in the eye. Chan laughed nervously as he said "Ok, ok I get it! Then you gotta explain what happened or my imagination is gonna run wild." Minho let go of Chan and motioned for him to follow him back to their break-room in the back. Minho didn't want to tell Chan that Han was the guy that was dressed as Ash from before. He just knew that he would make a big deal out of it so he decided to say the Friendsgiving party was the first time they met.

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