Part 9

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After walking a bit they arrived in front of a pizza shop. "Pizza for my Innie!" Hyunjin exclaimed. "Innie?" Minho asked Han. Han just shook his head. "Short for Jeongin of course! Come on, I wanted to show him some famous New York style pizza!" Hyunjin said as he led Jeongin inside. "He's been to New York before." Minho mumbled under his breathe. Han glanced at Minho "What was that? I couldn't hear you." Han asked. "Nothing!" Minho said smiling awkwardly as he held the door for Han. "Oh no, it's getting packed, let's grab a table quick!" Hyunjin said. They found a table near the back and sat down at it. Hyunjin sniffed the air dramatically and then said "You know what, I am now feeling generous after smelling the sweet aroma of pizza, so I will buy! Pepperoni is good with everyone?" We all nodded and Jeongin stood up saying "I can help you carry!" Hyunjin clapped excitedly as they went off to order at the counter. Minho sat with his head in his hand as he grew more exhausted by those two. "You don't really like Hyunjin do you?" Han asked. Minho lifted his head up, surprised by the question that came out of nowhere. "What?? I... Of course I do... Why would I not?... What's not to li... Is it that obvious?" Minho said trying to deny at first before giving up. "Wow, I really thought you would try to deny more." Han said laughing. "I'm sorry, I don't have the energy to pretend anymore." Minho said laughing as well. "I mean you weren't pretending all that well to begin with. You kind of have this stank face every time he is around." Han said. "Yeah... he's just a bit too high energy for me..." Minho said knowing the real reason he didn't like Hyunjin. Yes Hyunjin was very extra, but really Minho didn't like him because he was so close with Han and their relationship to each other was very ambiguous. "Yeah he is a bit dramatic and over the top but he really is a sweet guy." Han said.

'Sweet guy?' Minho thought as he felt sick to his stomach. "Of course, y'all are real cute together." Minho said. "Uh we are not dating." Han said. "Oh I know you two aren't 'dating', I'm familiar with the trends nowadays, y'all are just 'hanging out' or 'hooking up' or whatever, it doesn't matter to me, I don't judge." Minho said rambling. Han looked so confused and then said "No I mean like we are not dating, Hyunjin has a girlfriend." "A girlfriend? Girl? That guy? But he's so..." Minho asked confused as he looked over at Hyunjin who was flipping his long hair dramatically as he was talking with Jeongin. "Flamboyant? Yeah I know but believe it or not, he has a girlfriend and we are not romantically involved in the slightest. He's an old friend of mine from way back in middle school." Han said. Minho was trying to wrap his head around many new facts when Hyunjin and Jeongin suddenly showed up at the table with the pizzas. After finishing their pizza, they said goodbye to Hyunjin as he called a cab. Han, Jeongin and Minho got on the subway to head back to Brooklyn. Minho found his mind wandering to all the strange coincidences that surrounded he and Han. Them happening to meet again at the Friendsgiving party, being sat in front of each other at the table and paired up together for charades. Then meeting by chance at Minhos workplace and getting put on the same team at laser tag. It really was a lot of coincidences... at this point it almost felt like fate that they kept meeting each other. 'I should just ask him out right? I thought he wasn't that into me but I don't know, I mean the worst he could say is no.' Minho thought as he looked at Han sitting next to him on the subway.

The 3 of them got off at the same stop and Han said he would walk them to their apartment since his was past theirs in that direction. They arrived in front of Minhos door and Minho had decided he was going to ask Han out after Jeongin went into the apartment first. Jeongin turned to Han before he walked in and said "It was really nice meeting you Han." "You too! I had so much fun, I hope we can hang out again before you go back. Please take care." Han said back to Jeongin in fluent Korean. Minhos face grew pale and he shot a terrified look to Jeongin. Jeongin's eyes grew wide for a second before busting out laughing. He waved to Han still laughing as he walked through the door. Minhos mind raced to all the things he and Jeongin had said secretly in Korean and his eyes grew wide. Suddenly he no longer had the courage to say anything and wanted to tuck and run. "Oh you know Korean?" Minho asked shakily. "Yeah, my parents spoke it at home growing up." Han said smiling. Minho strained to smile back, he then said a speedy goodbye and practically ran in the apartment. All the things Jeongin said in Korean came flooding into Minho's brain.
'Maybe you should make him your boyfriend.'
'That's great because you're broke hyung.'
'Sorry, did I ruin your moment with your 'not boyfriend'?'
"Theres no way to come back from this. Forget asking him out, I don't think I can ever even face him again." Minho said to himself dramatically throwing himself onto the couch. Jeongin had been uncontrollably laughing up until this point but stopped suddenly as he heard Minho and said "Wait. You were going to ask him out? So you do like him! I knew it!" "What do you mean you knew it? You didn't know crap." Minho said. "Why do you think Hyunjin and I kept leaving you two alone all the time?!" Jeongin blurted out and then covered his mouth. Minho shot up from the couch and said "What was that? You and Hyunjin were leaving Han and I alone on purpose?? Why?!" "Well... we got to talking in the waiting area and Hyunjin told me that he thought you two would make a cute couple and so I said that we should give y'all some space to see if there was anything there and he agreed." Jeongin said nervously in Korean. "I don't even have the mental capacity to chew you out right now Jeongin, I'm exhausted, I worked all day and it's late. Just know that I'm not happy right now." Minho said in Korean as he walked into his bedroom and shut the door.

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