Part 11

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Han raised his eyebrows at Minhos sudden loud laughter and said "Oh, I thought... when you said you came with him to Felix's party... I just assumed... I'm sorry." "Yeah you were way off, we are friends, most of the time, and that's all. Him and Chan get on my last damn nerve sometimes, I could never date them!" Minho said still laughing. "Chan?" Han asked. "Right you haven't officially met him yet, I work with him at the restaurant, his family owns the place." Minho replied. "Wait, was he the loud one working with you yesterday?" Han asked laughing. Minho's eyes grew wide as he said nervously "Uh yeah... you didn't really hear what he was saying though right?" "No I just heard a lot of shouting to be honest." Han said. "That's good... He's a real trip so whenever you do meet him, just pay no mind to him at all, most of what he spews is nonsense. And don't even get me started on when he and Seungmin get together." Minho said as he shivered and shook his head. "When I meet him? So I will get to meet him?" Han asked smiling. "Uh... sure... I mean if you want to, though I would completely understand you not wanting to..." Minho said before he was cut off by Han. "No I do want to meet him! He's one of your friends so I would love to meet him." Han said. Minho looked at him and felt his face starting to get warm. "Damn my hands are freezing!" Minho said shaking his hands. "Let me see, put them here." Han said as he stopped and grabbed both of Minho's hand and put them on his own cheeks. Before Minho even knew what was happening, he was now holding Han's face and staring right at him. "They are warm right?" Han asked laughing. Minho started to blush only to see and feel Han's face blush and get warmer too as he held it. With his warm, squishy cheeks in his hands, Minho suddenly felt the urge to bring Han's face closer to his. Just as Minho began to pull Han, he felt something cold fall on his nose. Minho watched as a snowflake fell unto Han's eyelash, causing him to blink. They separated from each other and both looked up towards the sky. "It's snowing!" Han said excitedly. "The first snow." Han added as he looked at Minho with bright eyes. They both stood there for a moment, closing their eyes as more snowflakes began to fall.

"So he came to pick you up from work and go on a midnight stroll until he walked you home?" Jeongin said through a mouthful of cereal. "Yeah, you are making it sound way more romantic than it was, we were just walking around talking, nothing really happened." Minho replied rubbing his neck nervously. "Nothing happened? What are you talking about? He's clearly into you! I wouldn't do that with a girl friend unless I was trying to date her." Jeongin said. "Please it was just a walk, and it was a short walk at that because it started snowing." Minho said. Jeongin's eyes grew wide as he asked "It started snowing?" "Yeah, first snow of the season actually." Minho said nonchalantly. Suddenly Jeongin dropped his spoon loudly into his bowl. Minho jumped before asking "What is wrong with you?!" Jeongin placed his hand over his mouth in shock and then said "Don't you know that in Korea, we have this belief that if you witness the first snow with the person you like, true love will bloom and be long lasting!" Jeongin exclaimed in Korean. "Please don't tell me you believe that crap? That's just a superstition." Minho said sitting back in his chair. "Maybe, but what are the odds?!" Jeongin said. "It's the first week of December in New York, the odds of it snowing were pretty high." Minho said as he got up from the table. Minho laughed to himself as he walked out the door, heading to work. Even as he laughed though, he couldn't help but think how it was a strange coincidence in a long list of coincidences that surrounded Han and him. He arrived at work to see Seungmin there talking to Chan. Minho clocked in and put his apron on not saying a word to either of them.

Seungmin then walked over to Minho and said nervously "I came here to apologize for yesterday. I was out of line with what I said, sorry." "Yeah but I was overly sensitive yesterday too..." Minho said awkwardly. "So we are good?" Seungmin asked. Minho nodded. "Yay!! One big happy family again!" Chan yelled as he came and pulled them into a group hug. Minho pushed him off with a disgusted look and Chan just laughed. "I know that you still have to work even though Jeongin is in town but you could bring him here to see us, he doesn't have to just sit in your apartment." Chan said. "What makes you think he wants to see y'all?" Minho said. "Jeongin is literally, my best friend." Seungmin said so seriously. "Y'all share one inside joke and suddenly he's your bestie." Minho said rolling his eyes. "What? Are you jealous? You are still my bestest bestie Minho!!" Seungmin said in a baby voice. "We are acquaintances at best." Minho said. "Ok tough guy." Seungmin said teasing. "Anyway what I meant to say was that you might have some competition since it seems Jeongin found a new best friend, Hyunjin." Minho said. Chan and Seungmin gasped. "Say it isn't so!" Seungmin said dramatically. Minho rolled his eyes as he went to flip the sign on the door to say 'open'. "That just won't do, we need to all hang out soon. I'm texting Jeongin right now." Chan said. "Ooh how about Tuesday?!" Seungmin said. "Yes!" Chan said to Seungmin excitedly. "And what exactly are we doing on Tuesday?" Minho asked. Seungmin and Chan looked at each other and smiled before turning to Minho and saying simultaneously "Karaoke!"

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