Part 5

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Minho cleared his throat as he averted his eyes from Han. They all ate together and talked amongst themselves but Minho and Han never said a word to one another. In fact Minho barely spoke at all. After dinner everyone was sitting around talking when Minho suddenly got up and let himself out to the terrace. It was cold and windy and he had wished he brought his jacket out with him but the fact was that he needed to cool off. Many thoughts were reeling through Minhos mind. 'Does he really not remember me or is he just pretending not to remember me because his boyfriend is here now?' Minho thought. 'No that doesn't make sense, it's not like anything happened between us, why would he have to hide that we had met before?' Minho concluded that Han probably just didn't remember him or recognize him. And Minho couldn't bring himself to risk humiliation if his attempt to jog Han's memory failed. After a few minutes Minho returned to the group and tried to forget about the Halloween party too.

They were sitting around the living room debating on games to play when Jasmin sat down on the couch next to Minho a little too close for comfort. "So you aren't with Seungmin, then are you single?" Jasmin asked practically batting her eyelashes. 'Man this girl is bold.' Minho thought to himself. Minho played with the collar of his sweater suddenly feeling like it was getting hot. Minho laughed nervously as he answered "Uh yes, I am single." Han glanced at Minho as he said it and then looked away. "Oh really? Me too." Jasmin said with a sly smile. 'What have I gotten myself into? Why didn't I just lie?' Minho thought. "I think most of us here are single actually, I'm very much available myself." Seungmin said chiming in at the perfect time. "Ooh should I play matchmaker!" Felix said excitedly.

"Oh or spin the bottle and me and Changbin just watch!" Felix added. Minho's eyes widened and he shot a glance towards Han before gulping nervously. "That's really creepy Felix, you can't just say stuff like that." Changbin said as he face palmed. Hyunjin laughed as he said "Yeah Felix, you into voyeurism now?" "Yikes, no that's not what I meant!" Felix said laughing. "I got it! Charades! Charades with wine!!" Changbin said standing up suddenly. Everyone laughed and agreed that it sounded fun. "To make it more challenging we should put all our names into a bowl and pick partners that way!" Felix added getting up to get paper and pen. Felix pulled out a name and then another making one team and so on and so forth. The first teams made were Seungmin/Jasmin, and Changbin/Hyunjin. Felix finally pulled Minho and then for his partner, he pulled Han. 'Gods got jokes I see.' Minho thought as the one person he didn't want to get paired with is who was picked to be with him. Everyone moved around the room to be next to their partners. Han walked up to Minho and said as he sat down next to him "Minho right? How good are you at charades?" "Not great Han. Not great." Minho replied. "You are in luck because I am also not great at charades so we are a perfect match." Han said smiling. Minho really looked at him for the first time all night. Han had a wide smile with big, beautiful, white teeth that lit up his whole face. Minho couldn't help but smirk at Han's bright smile. The pairs take turns acting out different movies, books and tv shows and Minho and Han are winning every round. They are completely in sync, guessing each title within seconds. "Y'all are so good at this! Did y'all practice before coming here?" Stephanie said. "I think this is their first time meeting!" Felix exclaimed. Minho glanced at Han when Felix said that knowing they had met once before. "No way! It's like they can read each other's minds! I don't understand half the gestures they are making to one another but somehow they keep getting it!" Stephanie said excitedly.

"It's fate that these two were picked as partners!" Changbin said laughing. Minho and Han both looked at each other this time and exchanged shy smiles. They sat back down after their round and Minho could feel his ears getting hot. He looked at Han again studying his face a little this time. 'Fate huh?' Minho thought to himself as he watched Han laughing at the other pairs playing the game. In the end Minho and Han's team won by a landslide. "Who would have thought two bad players would make a great team?" Han said. "It's like I always say, the best way to exceed your expectations, is by having none." Minho said blankly. "That's a terrible saying! What non-inspirational quote poster did you get that off of?" Han asked laughing. "I don't know, it was probably a text from my dad or something?" Minho said. Han busted out laughing. Jasmin shot a look at the very loud Han. "Stop! That's so bad!" Han said as he grabbed Minhos arm while cracking up. Minho looked down at Han's hand and back to his smiling face. Minho turned the other way as he blushed. 'Are you really blushing right now? Are you 15 years old again?' Minho thought to himself embarrassed. It was getting pretty late as Seungmin walked over to Minho on the couch and said "Hey I'm heading out, am I still giving you a ride home?" Minho glanced at Han quickly before standing up to go with Seungmin. "Hey Minho!" Han called out after him. Minho whipped around quickly and said excitedly "Yes?" "It was nice meeting you, we should play charades again sometime to see if it was just a fluke win." Han said smiling. Minho feigned a smile as he waved goodbye. 'And here I thought he was gonna ask for my number.' Minho thought as he pouted the whole drive home.

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