Part 15

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The next week flew by in a flash and Minho was now packing his bags to go to Han's family home. After that night when Han kissed him on the cheek, Minho was sure that meant that Han didn't only see him as a friend. Finally getting some kind of confirmation about where Han was at was really reassuring to Minho and instilled in him a new confidence that led to him wanting to accept the offer of staying with Han's family for the entire Christmas weekend. After Minho packed his bag he got a text from Han that he was there to pick him up. Minho came down the stairs and was greeted by Han getting out of the car to open the trunk for his bag. "Hey!" Minho said as he hugged Han. After a couple seconds he realized that this was their first hug. Minho pulled away from him quickly to see a surprised expression on Han's face. "Uh... hey to you too." Han said chuckling awkwardly. 'Crap. Did I just make it weird?' Minho thought to himself as he threw his bag in the trunk. "So where exactly does your family live?" Minho said trying to bring attention off of what just happened. "They live in a small town in upstate New York, so it's quite a drive, I didn't tell you that before?" Han said as they both got in his car. "No you didn't, how long will it take us to get there?" Minho asked. "A little over 4 and a half hours..." Han said through clenched teeth. "4 and a half hours?! Geez, I hope you have a good playlist." Minho said laughing. "Oh no sir, it's the passenger's job to control the music." Han said.

"Nooo I don't like the pressure!" Minho said. "With great power comes great responsibility." Han said in a fake serious tone before laughing. "Geez I forgot you were such a nerd, quoting Spider-Man? That's almost as bad as your catch 'em all joke." Minho said laughing. Han looked at Minho and then to the road and then did a double take to Minho before settling his eyes on the road. "Wait, you remember that? From Halloween?" Han asked. Minho clasped his hand over his own mouth lightly before saying "Uh yeah... wait, you remember?!" "Yeah, you were dressed as Pikachu." Han said. "If you remembered me why didn't you say anything when we saw each other at the Friendsgiving thing?" Minho asked. "I don't know... I just figured you had forgotten so I didn't say anything." Han said. "That's what I thought! I had assumed you had forgotten me so I pretended not to notice you." Minho said. "Just goes to prove that saying right about when you assume." Minho added laughing. "What saying?" Han asked. "You know, when you assume, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'." Minho said. Han laughed and said "Well that definitely rang true, both of us acting like we had never met before instead of just communicating properly." "I kind of miss when I thought you didn't remember, because now I know you remember that horrible Pikachu onesie." Minho said as he facepalmed. Han laughed and said "Oh stop, you know it was cute." "Yeah right." Minho said sarcastically as he turned towards the window and blushed lightly.

After many hours of talking and listening to music curated by Minho, they finally arrived at Han's family home. It was a big, beautiful home with a large yard, picket fence, the whole deal. Han lead Minho into the house where they were immediately greeted by a beautiful woman coming down the stairs. "Hello! Welcome! You must be Minho, we are so glad you could join us this weekend!" She said cheerfully as she came down the stairs and hugged both Han and Minho. Minho smiled politely and said "Thank you so much for having me, Mrs. Han." "No need to be so formal, you can call me Duri!" She said sweetly as she led them to the living room and they all sat down on the couch. Suddenly a kitchen timer went off and Mrs. Duri stood up and headed to the kitchen as she said "Oh that's my cookies! Hannie, why don't you take Minho to meet your father and Joon, I think they are in the back yard." As they walked towards the back of the house Minho turned to Han with a smirk as he said "Hannie?" Han facepalmed as he said "I know." "I like it, I think I might start calling you that." Minho said grinning. "Don't you dare!" Han said as he playfully pushed Minho. Minho laughed as they stepped out the back door and into a world of chaos. The first thing they see when they walk out is two guys fighting, a middle aged man with a young guy in a headlock. The older guy freezes when he hears the door and this leads the younger guy to break free and headlock the older one. Minhos eyes widened at the scene. "Dad! Joon! Come on, your embarrassing me, can't y'all stop for one minute?" The younger one, presumably Joon, let go of his dad and dusted himself off saying confidently "Yeah, we can stop because I already won." "Oh this isn't over, I'll get you later when you least expect it!" Han's dad said playfully. "They do this every Christmas, the objective is to pin the other to the ground and then you 'win'." Han said to Minho. "What do you get if you win?" Minho asked the dad and Joon. "Glory and bragging rights of course." Joon said smiling. "Dad, Joon, this is my friend Minho, Minho, this is my dad and older brother Joon." Han said introducing them. "Nice to meet you sir, and Joon." Minho said nodding to both of them as he shook their hands. "Sir? Please, call me Tae." Han's dad said as he put an arm around Minhos shoulder. "So I hear you are in the restaurant business? What's that like?" Mr. Tae added as he led Minho into the house.

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