Part 3

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The morning after the party, Minho had to be up bright and early for work and was feeling a bit queasy as he clocked in at the small Korean barbecue restaurant. One of the owners, Mrs. Bahng comes out from the kitchen and sees Minho sighing loudly as he sits down to fold silverware and chopsticks into napkins. "Long night Minho?" Mrs. Bahng asked smiling. Startled by the sudden voice he replied "Oh, uh yeah kind of." Mrs. Bahng laughed and returned to the kitchen just as her son Chan came out. Minho laid his head on the table whining "Why do y'all have to open this place so early? Who even comes to a Korean barbecue place for breakfast?" Chan was only a year older than Minho so they quickly became good friends after Minho started working at his family's restaurant. "So you partied hard for Halloween huh? Thanks for the invite." Chan said sarcastically. "Trust me, I didn't even want to go myself. Seungmin forced me to go with him to his friends party." Minho said with his head still on the table. "Seungmin forced you? Since when do you listen to Seungmin?" Chan asked laughing. "Well it wasn't really that he forced me but basically said if I went then we were square on the money I owed him." Minho said finally picking his head up from the table. "Must be nice to be that rich that you can just easily forgive debts owed to you." Chan said. "Tell me about it. But the weirdest thing was that I actually ended up having fun at the party." Minho said. "That doesn't surprise me, you are always against everything at first and then end up having a good time." Chan said. "Well it wasn't just that... there was a guy there..." Minho said. Chan's ears perked up as he asked "A guy? Ooh tell me more! Was he cute? Did you get his number? It's been so long since you have been interested in anyone, am I too excited?" Minho rolled his eyes at Chan spastically asking questions and just looked out the window forlorn as he said "I didn't get his number. I didn't even get his name."

"You didn't get his name? What is wrong with you? Who shoots their shot without even asking the persons name?" Chan asked confused. "I didn't shoot my shot. I didn't even plan on talking to him I just went up to him because I noticed he was dressed as Ash and I was dressed as Pikachu." Minho said still looking out the window. "Wait, wait, wait, you were dressed as Pikachu?? I gotta see a picture of that!" Chan exclaimed laughing as he pulled out his phone to text someone. Minho grabbed at Chan's phone unsuccessfully and yelled "Hey! Who are you texting? Seungmin doesn't have a picture! You're wasting your time!" "That's what he wants you to think!" Chan said laughing harder as he texted Seungmin. "As I was saying! The fire alarm went off before I could get his name and I lost him in the crowd." Minho said as he stood up to take the folded napkins to the counter. "We should ask Seungmin! You said it was his friends party right? Maybe he knows the guy!" Chan said holding up his phone on the text thread with Seungmin. Minho stopped in his tracks thinking about it for a second before acting like his usual self as he said "Nah, it's not that big of a deal. We barely even talked." Chan narrowed his eyes at Minho as he pressed send on the message to Seungmin. "Hey! I said don't worry about it! What did you even ask him?" Minho said grabbing the phone from Chan. Minho began to read the text out loud "Minho said he met a hot dude at your friends party dressed as Ash Ketchum. Do you know him?" "I never said he was hot! He was just... goofy, and I thought we could be good friends or something." Minho added nervously playing with his apron. "Let's go with 'or something'." Chan said as he winked and grabbed the phone. "Seungmin texted back! He said 'OMG finally our picky Minho met a guy! Idk who he is though! Let me ask my friend Felix if he knows him. It was his party.' Ooh that's promising!" Chan read from the phone. Minho glared at Chan as he asked "Why are y'all like this?"

It turned out Felix didn't know who was there dressed as Ash either so the search came to a dead end. Minho wasn't very good at showing his true feelings so he brushed it off in front of Chan but deep down he was disappointed. Although he and Ash only talked briefly, there was something there. He could deny to everyone else that there was a spark but he couldn't lie to himself, he knew that talking with Ash felt different. A month went by and Minho had all but forgotten about Ash. It was a couple of days before Thanksgiving and Minho gets a call from Seungmin. "Hey man, you remember my friends Changbin and Felix from the Halloween party? Well they are having a Friendsgiving thing at their apartment and wanted me to come and said I could invite a friend sooo I thought of you!" Seungmin said over the phone. "Do you not have any other friends? You know I don't care for parties. Ask someone else." Minho said as he was about to hang up the phone. "Wait! Come on Minho! I don't want to go to the party alone since the only people I know there are the hosts! That's the worst because then I will feel like I'm taking up all their time from their other guests, come on!" Seungmin begged. "Just ask Chan to go with you." Minho said. "I already asked him, he has to work, you are my only hope!" Seungmin said dramatically. "Glad to know I was a second choice, anyway I have to work too, so, sorry but no." Minho said. "Chan already told me you had the day off." Seungmin said bluntly. 'Damn you Chan!' Minho thought to himself before saying "Well just because I don't have work doesn't mean I'm not busy." "We both know you don't have a life Minho, if it weren't for me, you would only go to work and your house." Seungmin said. "I'm hanging up now." Minho said annoyed. "No! Come on! There's all the free food you can eat and Felix is a good cook too!" That caught Minho's attention. "Free food you say?" Minho asked. "Of course! What else would we do at Friendsgiving?" Seungmin said. "Ok I will go, but only because I'm broke and have no food at the house till pay day." Minho said. "That's the spirit! I will pick you up tonight at 7!" Seungmin said as he hung up the phone.

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