Part 7

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"I met them at Seungmin's Friendsgiving thing. And then they just now invited me to go play laser tag with them tonight." Minho said. "Which one gave you his number?" Chan said poking Minho teasingly. "The short haired one." Minho said. "The little guy?" Chan asked. "He's not little! He's about as tall as I am... you're shorter than both of us!" Minho said defensively. "Hey! No need to bring me into this!" Chan said. "Anyway, I have to pick up Jeongin from the airport... they said he could come too but... I'm not going." Minho said sternly. "And why not? Maybe he's into you and that's why he asked you to come." Chan said nudging Minho. "I doubt it, he asked me to go play laser tag with his 'friend' and my cousin. He didn't exactly ask me on a romantic date." Minho said. "Why did you do air quotes about his 'friend'?" Chan asked confused. "They are supposedly single but they seem like more than friends to me, maybe friends with benefits? I don't know, but that Hyunjin guy rubs me the wrong way." Minho said. "Really? He rubs me the right way." Chan said winking in a cringey manner. "Ew, what the hell Chan, you aren't even gay." Minho said with a scrunched up face. "A guy like that makes ya wonder." Chan said shaking his head. "Why are you the way that you are?" Minho said as he started to walk away, so done with Chan's crap. "Hey! You really should go though! It could be fun, if nothing else you could make a new friend." Chan said. "I have enough friends." Minho said rolling his eyes. "You have me, and Seungmin whom you barely tolerate." Chan said bluntly. "I can tolerate him more than you." Minho said flipping Chan off playfully.

Minho took the train to the airport to pick up his cousin Jeongin. 'If only Seungmin wasn't busy tonight, he could have drove me in the town car to come pick up Jeongin, that would have been nice. Oh well we will take a taxi on the way back so it won't be too bad.' Minho thought as he sat in wait for Jeongin to get off the plane. A few minutes later Jeongin had reunited with Minho and they were headed back to Brooklyn in their taxi. Jeongin was 3 years younger than Minho but it didn't feel that way, they had always been close cousins. "Hey, what do you think about going to play laser tag with some people tonight?" Minho asked not really knowing why he asked when he had already decided earlier that he didn't want to go. "Laser tag? I have no idea what that is, but it sounds fun! Let's go!" Jeongin said smiling widely showing his deep dimples. "I mean it's alright... but if you are too tired from the flight, I completely understand, we don't have to go, I can just tell them you aren't feeling up to it." Minho said as he pulled out his phone to hurry and text that they couldn't make it. "No! I'm not tired, I really want to go, besides, I'm surprised by this, you never want to go anywhere or do anything hyung." Jeongin said sincerely. Minho sighed loudly as he said "Geez you make me sound like a loser. I'm just a homebody ok? Also I'm always broke because I live on my own in New York on a small restaurant server salary." Jeongin raised his eyebrows at Minho. "What? Don't give me that look. Yeah, yeah I know I sound like a grumpy old man, go ahead and say it, Chan and Seungmin tell me all the time." Minho said rolling his eyes. "I'm used to your no care attitude hyung, it's ok. But we can go to laser tag right?" Jeongin said finishing it off with little puppy dog eyes. "Alright, alright, we can go, just stop looking at me like that, it's creepy, and you don't have to call me 'hyung' when you are here in America. I'm not used to all that formal speech stuff." "But didn't you live in Korea before too hyung?" Jeongin asked. "Briefly. Briefly. Now cut the 'hyung' stuff for real." Minho said as he texted Han's number that they were down to go. Minho and Jeongin arrived at the laser tag place a little early even after going to his apartment to change. "Your English has really improved Jeongin. I have only had to speak in Korean with you a few times. Have you been studying?" Minho asked Jeongin as they waited. "I have been watching a lot of American Netflix shows and have learned a lot. There are some things I still do not understand but I am trying. Especially since I know you prefer English." Jeongin said.

"Well you don't have to strain yourself ok, I may not prefer it but if you need to communicate in Korean with me at any time it's ok. Save the wracking your brain for English words for my friends since they probably don't know Korean." Minho said laughing. Jeongin smiled at Minho since it was actually a really nice thing for him to say. Han showed up next and walked up to Minho and Jeongin smiling. "Hey I'm Han, you must be Minho's cousin." Han said as he extended his hand to Jeongin for a handshake. "I'm Jeongin, you must be Minho's boyfriend." Jeongin said as he shook Han's hand. Minho and Han's eyes both got a little wide as they looked at each other. "What? Boyfriend? No!" Minho said flustered. Jeongin cocked his head to the side and said in a confused tone "Is he not your male friend that we are meeting?" Minho face palmed and Han giggled. "Oh, that's what he meant." Han said as he rubbed his neck smiling, clearly a little flustered himself. "Yes but... you can't say it like that, 'boyfriend' means something else in English..." Minho said stuttering. Jeongin raised an eyebrow at Minho. "What you are saying is like namjachingu." Minho said as he felt his face getting hot. Jeongin's eyes widened and his hand went up to his mouth as he said "Oh! I am sorry. This is not how I meant." Minho turned to Han and said "Yeah sorry my cousin is visiting from South Korea so his English is not the best." Han looked at Jeongin as he said "It's ok, really. And your English pronunciation is really good, so don't worry about it." Jeongin smiled. "Hyunjin said he is about to be here so why don't we go ahead and sign our group up." Han said as he lead the way to the front door. "He is really nice! Maybe you should make him your boyfriend." Jeongin said in Korean to Minho as they followed Han. Minho whipped his head around to Jeongin with his mouth hanging open in shock. Jeongin just wiggled his eyebrows up and down at Minho. "Shut up!" Minho said in Korean as he hit Jeongin's arm. Jeongin laughed and Han turned back to them for a second and smiled as he saw Jeongin laughing. Minho and Jeongin bickered in hushed tones as Han signed them all up. He turned around to them and said "Ok! We are all signed up, now we just wait." "Don't we all have to pay now?" Minho asked. "Oh no, I went ahead and paid for all of us, since I invited everyone so last minute it only feels right that I pay." Han said. "Oh. Well thank you but you really didn't have to do that." Minho said. "That's great because you're broke hyung!" Jeongin said in Korean.

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