Part 18

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After a beautiful Christmas Eve dinner, they played charades and Han and Minho's team won again of course. It was getting late as the whole family gathered around the living room to watch Home Alone. In the room there was one couch that seated 3 people and an arm chair. Mr. Tae sat in his arm chair and Mrs. Duri and Joon sat on the couch, leaving only one available seat left. "I can just sit here on the floor." Minho said grabbing an unused throw pillow. "I'll do that too." Han said as he sat down beside Minho. More than half way through the movie, Minho had switched positions to lay on his stomach, facing the tv, propping himself up on his elbows on the pillow. Again Han followed as he laid down next to Minho in the exact same position. Mr. Tae and Mrs. Duri had already went to bed and now there was just Joon dozing on and off on the couch as they watched the movie. It was getting late and eventually Joon also left to go sleep in his own bed. Han left and came back with popcorn as he laid back down by Minho. He watched the movie intensely as he ate popcorn. "You want some?" Han asked. "Sure." Minho said as he was about to reach for the bowl. Han then reached over holding the piece of popcorn in front of Minho's mouth wanting him to eat it from his hand. Minho smirked as he ate the popcorn from Han's hand. Han reached his hand over again to feed another piece of popcorn to Minho but Minho didn't take it this time and instead just stared at Han. Han then looked over and Minho leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. Han jumped up from the ground and looked around frantically. "What?... Wh- Why did you do that?" Han asked still looking around in a panic. Minho sat up shocked by Hans reaction as he said "What do you mean? Why are you acting like this? I thought... you liked me..." Minho said nervously. "No, we are friends." Han said unable to look at Minho. "We practically went on a date last week, you even kissed my cheek at the end of it... and today at the pond..." Minho said confused and trailing off at the end. Han looked around frantically as Minho said that and motioned for him to quiet down as he said "That was a mistake. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me that night but I'm not... gay." "Look, sexuality is a complex thing and can be confusing, I'm not asking you to label yourself, I am just asking if you like ME and want to be with ME?" Minho said as his voice hitched and he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Han looked around once more before saying to Minho with a pained expression "I can't." Minho got up and stomped to the room he was staying in without another word. Minho almost never cried but as he packed his things, tears began to stream down his face. He felt like a fool. He called a cab and went back to his apartment without saying anything to Han.

It had been almost a week since Christmas and Han and Minho had not spoken at all. "It's New Years Eve, got any plans?" Chan asked Minho as he came from the kitchen. "No plans, just me and Jeongin watching the ball drop on tv." Minho said as he wiped down a table. "Jeongin is back in town and you left him at your damn apartment again? What is wrong with you?" Chan said shaking his head. "Don't shake your head at me. He's hanging out with Seungmin, they said they would stop by at some point." Minho said. "Hes hanging out with Seungmin? In the middle of the day? Geez does that guy ever work?" Chan asked. "It's Saturday. Most people have Saturdays off." Minho said with a petty tone. "Hate to break it to you buddy, you chose to work at a restaurant, the busiest time is the weekend." Chan said. "I'm aware." Minho said annoyed. The bell over the door rang and in walked Seungmin and Jeongin. "Speak of the devils." Minho said as he began to clean another table. "Minho hyung! You won't believe what Seungmin just told me!" Jeongin said excitedly. "Come on Seungmin, I already asked you to stop telling him dirty words in English and saying they mean normal things." Minho said with his hand on his hip. "I didn't teach him any new words, I promise. He's talking about how I told him that Felix and Changbin invited all of us to their New Years Eve party tonight." Seungmin said. "Can we go please?!" Jeongin said holding up prayer hands. "I don't think so... I feel like that place would be kind of triggering to me right now..." Minho said. "But you can go with Seungmin by yourself." Minho added. "I cant! Seungmin doesn't know Korean, what if I need help communicating with someone." Jeongin said. "First of all, your English is just fine clearly and second, Chan is probably going to go and he knows Korean so you will be fine." Minho said. "Hold on, there's a flaw in your logic because while yes I speak Korean, I will be otherwise engaged at this party tonight and won't be able to help translate for our dear Jeongin." Chan said in a weirdly snooty tone. Minho rolled his eyes and said "I hate to even ask but what are you talking about?" "You know how Seungmin has been going out with that girl Jasmin? Well it turns out she has a cute friend named Stephanie that she wants me to meet tonight!" Chan said. "And what does that have to do with Jeongin?" Minho asked. "I can't have some kid who can barely speak English following me around all night while I'm trying to hook up with this girl, no offense Jeongin." Chan said. "You can't just say something offensive and then say 'no offense' and it's all fine." Minho said irritatedly. "Yeah yeah yeah, that's beside the point, I can't be his translator is what I'm trying to get at." Chan said brushing Minho off. "Please hyung, it has to be you!" Jeongin pleaded. "Ok ok I will go, you all are so annoying sometimes, and stop calling me hyung already!" Minho said as he threw up his hands and went into the kitchen.

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