Chapter 76: The Last Normal Weekend

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"Okay, so what's the dress code supposed to be for this 'parsnip harvest research?'" Kira asked with a little smirk as she rooted through her closet a few hours later. It was getting closer to "evening time-ish," and that meant the texts she'd been exchanging with Matt and the Elizabeths had gone suspiciously silent. Mara was next-door with Joy and Willow developing their plan further— though, more likely they were ironing out the last kinks in the party plans, considering she'd been all but shooed away— and she wasn't about to ruin the surprise by letting her best friend know she saw through the ridiculous cover-story. She had no such qualms when it came to her other roommate, though.

Patricia snorted, fingers flying across her laptop keyboard. "Knowing Joy, you probably want to go for posh, but you do that already."

"Excuse you, I do not dress 'posh,'" she protested.

She stopped typing and raised an eyebrow, raking her gaze up and down her attire. "You dress like an Oxford wannabe," she deadpanned.

Kira looked down at herself, cheeks burning at the sight of her trousers and olive sweater vest. She admittedly did look a little posh. "It's preppy at most," she defended weakly. "And frankly, I am an Oxford wannabe."

"Well, I think you look great," KT piped up from her spot on Kira's bed where she was curled up, trying to work through her French homework. She threw her pen down with a defeated sigh. "God, I wish this school offered Spanish; I'm actually good at that."

"Here, let me help," Kira chuckled, hopping up beside her girlfriend and peering at her notebook. "Ooo, les verbes irréguliers."

"I literally hate you," Patricia groaned fondly from the other bed. "You and Eddie are both such show-offs with the stupid French thing."

"Ç'est parce que nous sommes plus intelligents que tu," Kira replied innocently, earning a pillow chucked at her head.

"I know you just called me stupid, I just don't know how," she exclaimed, while KT snickered. "Don't laugh, KT, because I know you don't know what she said either. You haven't known torture until they start speaking French in front of you."

"You guys speak it that well?" KT asked. "I mean, I know you did, Kira, but Eddie doesn't exactly strike me as the type to be fluent in a foreign language."

"He's not as good as I am," she explained a bit smugly, scribbling down the correct answer in her girlfriend's notebook for her, "but you'd be surprised. He might be an idiot, but my brother isn't totally stupid."

"Thanks," said KT, scrunching her nose up at the verb on the page. "How do you even pronounce this?"

"It's just annoying, is all," Patricia groused. "Makes everyone think you're talking about them."

"'Céline écrit une lettre à Jaques.' Écrit sounds like eh-cree, but with a guttural 'r' in the back of your throat," Kira explained, demonstrating the sound before throwing a cheeky smile over her shoulder at her roommate. "And that's because we are talking about you, Patricia."

"Oh, ha, ha..." drawled Patricia, throwing another pillow at her, at the same time KT thanked her again. "You're hilarious, both of you."

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" protested KT, throwing the pillow back at her.

Kira tugged on one of KT's curls playfully. "She meant me and Eddie, not you, silly."

"Yeah, yeah, you're alright," Patricia said with an eye-roll. "It's The Shining twins who're the problem."

"You're the one with an identical twin," she parried. "And come on, you know you love us."

"I will admit that on my deathbed."

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