Chapter 93: Love in the Time of Revenge

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What did I just do? was the one clear mantra running through Kira's head while she blustered down the hall, hanging such a sharp left, she nearly sent herself flying. Did I really just quit? Oh my god, I quit Sibuna... on a gamble... Oh my god!

Was Kira having a panic attack? She was definitely having a panic attack. She ducked into the bathroom, and threw herself into one of the stalls, promptly throwing up the few bites of breakfast she'd had before collapsing knees first to the tiles in front of the toilets. She was sobbing again, dry heaving into the porcelain bowl. Nothing made sense anymore, nothing! She prayed with everything in her that she'd blink her eyes and be back in time, before Sibuna, before England, before everything, when the most she had to deal with was a stupid break up and math homework. Kira thought she'd give just about anything in that moment to not be caught between a rock and hard place for one second longer.

"Kira, you have to know this is pathetic, right?" Patricia hummed; Kira hadn't heard her come into the bathroom. "Come on, get up."

Strong arms hoisted her to her feet and guided her out of the stall to the sink, where she leaned for a good few minutes just crying violently into her friend's arms. When she finally calmed herself and pulled away, Patricia wrinkled her nose in disgust at what was probably a bit of vomit on the corner of her mouth, and gruffly grabbed a few paper towels, thrusting them into her hands. Then, she breezed back into the stall, and Kira heard the toilet flush. "Thanks..." she murmured, wiping her face half-heartedly.

"Whatever," grumbled Patricia, hopping up and perching on the counter. "So? What was all that?"

Kira pursed her lips, still sniffling. "I... I can't in good faith go along with shunning KT, not when the 'proof' is so flimsy," she said after a moment, balling up the paper towel and throwing it in the bin. "S-So I'm backing out. One less person for you guys to have to worry about." She laughed humorlessly through her nose. "Ah, but you probably also think I'm being irrational, right? Did Eddie put you up to this? Honestly, it'd be typical," she scoffed, wiping furiously at her eyes. "Always running from his messes, leaving someone else to clean it up."

Patricia considered her silently throughout her rant, nodding along. "Right..." she said finally. "Well, for what it's worth I do understand. Eddie was out of order just now; you have every right to be angry."

"Yeah, well..." Kira trailed off, reaching around Patricia to grab another paper towel so she could blow her nose. "It's not right. I don't know what I believe, but we're not being fair. And I know where you stand on the KT thing, but... we're just not being fair, y'know? And Eddie's being such a—"

"Dickhead?" Patricia finished wryly. "Yeah, I've noticed. Look, you're doing what you think is best. I respect that, and I really think you've got the right to be as upset as you want. I mean, I would if it were my girlfriend everyone was accusing of doing something that horrible."

"Yeah," she agreed and crumpled the paper towel into her fist. "And who does Eddie think he is, anyway? Saying I seem like someone who'd backstab my friends on purpose! I mean, the nerve! My own brother!"

"Yeah, you must be livid," remarked Patricia, extending her open palm; Kira passed her the wrinkled paper towel, and watched as she tossed it overhand into the trash. "But tensions are running high... I'm sure he didn't mean to insinuate you were a traitor like KT."

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