Chapter 77: Follow the Symbols

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Sunday was thankfully uneventful, and when Eddie wasn't spending time in front of the Gatehouse video feed or being forced to do his Geography homework by either his roommate or his sister, he was in bed, trying (and failing) to get any sort of rest. Matt, Liz, and Beth were driving down to London to do some sight seeing, so they'd be out of Sibuna's hair for a few days at least. The party had been a welcome distraction, but there was a strange part of him that was almost grateful to return to school on Monday, even if it meant jumping feet first into the fire.

They'd agreed as a club to take the first chance they could get to return to the Gatehouse and talk to Harriet, and it happened to be during their first class of the day, which was Art. Mrs. Burton wasn't in that day, it seemed, and so Denby had been selected to sub the class since she had a free period.

"Alright, take your places," she called boredly as they all filed into the classroom, "and settle down."

"You're standing in for Art?" asked Mara from her easel, while the Sibunas all shot each other determined glances.

"Yes, indeed, as Mrs. Burton is away," said Denby with a smile. "I understand you're all already working on assignments, so just continue where you left off last week. Quietly."

Kira, Willow, and Mara were painting the same bouquet of flowers on the far side of the room, while Joy and Alfie were working with a vase of budding twigs in the back where they could more easily goof off if the mood arose. Fabian, being himself, was front and center in the room by Patricia and Jerome, which left Eddie and KT with their easels to the right side of the class by the door with the rest of their class scattered among them.

"Let's try to get to the Gatehouse," he muttered to her.

"Now? Under Denby's nose?" she asked him dubiously. "Both of us? Eddie, she'll know something's up."

"She already knows something's up; better that we know where she is. Besides, you really wanna go alone?"

KT hesitated, then sighed with a reluctant nod. "Fine," she relented.

"Watch and learn," he whispered smugly before approaching Denby at the desk. "Miss, I forgot my leaf."

He'd said five words to her and she already looked exhausted. "I beg your pardon?"

"My leaf," he repeated. "I'm doing a nature project."

Denby stared at him dully. "Well, draw something else," she said.

"I can't! I-It's the central piece," he insisted, ignoring KT's snickering behind him. "Mrs. Burton thought it was really important; said it was the, uh, essence of the fragile quality of the lifecycle."

For a second, he wasn't sure if she'd bought it, but in an almost commiserating way, Denby rolled her eyes. "Yes, that sounds like Mrs. Burton. Alright, go on then, but hurry up."

Eddie took the win, and scurried out the door, not before gesturing with his head to KT to follow his lead. He waited out in the hallway for a minute until she, too, darted out the door. "She had an apple," KT lamented as they jogged through the empty hallways.

"Huh?" he asked bemusedly.

"Never mind," she dismissed with a wave of her hand as they made it outdoors, the brisk November air immediately chilling them to the bone. "Let's just get this over with."

They made it to the Gatehouse without issue, and once they were inside the building, they proceeded with caution until they were back in front of Harriet's door. Beyond themselves, there was no other sign of life in the house, and that honestly made Eddie more uneasy. Where is he hiding? he wondered while he unlocked the door.

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