Chapter 86: Boobytraps & Tournaments

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"Okay, Mom. I love you!" Kira said into the phone.

"I love you too! And don't forget to tell your brother to please keep me updated more regularly, and don't forget to wear your retainer. I know you do," reminded Cathy, which made her daughter flush.

"Mom," she ground out with an embarrassed look across the table at KT, who was giggling behind her hand, "you're on speaker, remember."

"Of course!" she chirped brightly. "KT, sweetheart, make sure my daughter remembers to wear her retainer; she forgets sometimes."


"I'll be sure to Ms. Miller," KT laughed, throwing her girlfriend a wink. "It was really nice to meet you."

"It was great to meet you too, sweetheart. Remember, you're welcome to visit anytime! I love getting to host my kids' special friends," said Cathy. "Okay, big hugs and kisses to both of youse, but Jimmy's giving me the stink eye so I've gotta get back to work. Kira, the retainer, remember. And text me what you want in your care package!"

"Yeah, Mom, thank you," chuckled Kira tiredly. "I love you, talk to you soon."

"Bye, pumpkin, I'll talk to you soon," bid her mother. "Bye, KT!"

"Bye, Ms. Miller!"

With that, Cathy hung up, and Kira put her phone down with a self-conscious groan. "Sorry about that," she said and picked her coffee back up. "My mom can be a little needy, but she means well."

KT sipped her own latte and shook her head, an amused smile dancing across her lips. "Don't be sorry, your mom sounds amazing," she reassured her. Her smile became a little wistful. "I wish my mom were still around. I bet they would've gotten along."

Kira reached across the table and laid a warm hand over her girlfriend's. "I bet they would've. I'd love to meet your other family someday, though. You said you had an aunt in London, right?"

She nodded a little lighter this time. "Yeah, Aunt Nora. I don't know her super well, but from the times I've met her, she's nice. Weird, but nice. You and Auntie Becca would get on great, though. She's one of the smartest people I know."

"Well, one day I'd love to get to know her," she replied.

KT hummed into her cup. "I'd like that too... and I think I'd like to get to know your dad, too. You know, as your dad and not as our slightly suspect principal."

She shifted uncomfortably at that. It wasn't that she didn't want her dad to know she and KT were dating; in fact, he probably knew or at least had an idea of the nature of their relationship. It's just that she'd never formally come out to him. Besides, with things still so tentative between them after, well, everything, Kira wasn't sure she was ready to rock the boat so soon after the eclipse. She and Eddie had only been to two take-out nights since, and while they'd been mostly normal, there was still a barrier of things left unsaid, unclear motives, and all sorts of other messy stuff. Not to mention, the fact that the whole Great Evil thing wasn't even over, even if their dad had nothing more to do with it.

Still, it was time to introduce KT to Eric as her girlfriend... even if it was slightly terrifying.

Kira squeezed the hand she was holding and put on her bravest grin. "I think we can make that happen," she agreed, smile softening into something less tense when she saw KT's eyes brighten. "You know, we'd better head to Rutter's Antiques soon if we want to visit before it closes."

"Shoot, is it already almost five?" KT asked, checking her phone as she drained the last of her coffee. "Damn, okay. Let's go! I definitely want to check it out, if only to meet Fabian's uncle."

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