Chapter 3

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After the day ended I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Me, Calleigh and Shyanna were walking out of the school and we were talking about anything that came to our minds.

I saw Aidan leaning against the school building on his phone. Probably texting some girl.

Player boy.

We kept walking and my house wasn't that far from the school so we just walked.

"Hey, can we stop at the library?" I ask.

"Why?" Shyanna asks.

"There's this book I've been wanting to read and I heard they have it."

"I can't go, I have to go to my mom's." Calleigh said.

"Me neither, my dad wants me home early because we have to visit my grandma." Shyanna says annoyed.

"I thought you liked your grandma?" Calleigh asked.

"No, she's a homophobic asshole. She was so mad when my little brother came out as bisexual." She said.

"I know, you sent me a whole paragraph." I say.

They had to go an opposite direction so we said our goodbyes and went our own ways.

*Time skip*

I was at the library looking for the book.

I looked up at the top shelf and smiled when I saw it. I tried to reach up and grab it but I couldn't reach it. I sighed and tried to jump for it.

I did that few times before I saw a hand reach up and grab it for me.

I turned around and to my surprise, there stood Aidan.

He handed me the book with a smile.

"Thanks." I said quietly before taking it.

He nodded. I walked away and grabbed my phone that was on the table.

"Bye." I said before walking away.

I wanted to get away from him, and I wanted to do it fast.

I went up to the librarian and checked the book out. I looked at the cover as I walked outside.

I put it in my backpack and kept walking.

*Time skip*

I was on the phone with Lydia while I was doing me and Aidan's project, writing down information, getting on websites, typing, all that good stuff.

"So who did you get partnered with?" She asks.

I pause.

"Aidan. Aidan Gallagher." I say.

I heard her laugh.

"Stop laughing, I don't like being partners with him. I bumped into him this morning on accident and was about to apologize but he was like 'watch where you're going ' so I didn't say anything."

"Damn. Partnered with player boy, huh?" She says.

"Yeah." I sigh.

I lean back in my chair, giving my back a break. I was leaning forward towards my desk and it was hurting my back. I had really bad posture.

It was 10:00 and I was so tired. But this was due in three days and I had to finish it.

"He grabbed a book for me." I said suddenly.

"What?" Lydia asked.

"I was at the library, and I couldn't reach a book. He grabbed it for me. He just appeared out of nowhere." I say.

"Of course, because that's not creepy at all." She says.

I laugh slightly then hear her yawn.

"Go to bed." I say.

"Ok." She says.

I hear her shuffle around on the other end of the phone.

"Goodnight, I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

I hang up and put my ear plugs in. I started playing music and went back to my work.


A/n: I am so sorry for updating so much 😭

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