Chapter 8

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I walked into school with Lydia and Shyanna today. They were talking about something while I put my back pack in my locker and got my things out.

I heard a body lean on the locker beside mine. I took a deep breath and looked over. Aidan.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh c'mon, play nice." He says.

I roll my eyes and continue getting my books out. I turn to Lydia and Shyanna.

"Just go to the classroom. I'll be there in a minute." I say.

They look at Aidan and then back at me. They give me a questionable look but they still go.

I shut my locker and leaned on it.

"We finished our project, why are you still bothering me?" I ask.

"Because, you're my friend." He says, knowing he'll get a reaction out of me.

"I wouldn't be your friend if you were the last person on earth." I say with a sarcastic smile.

I start to walk away, pulling out my phone, but instantly turned it off when I felt and arm around my shoulders.

"Just leave me alone." I whined, pushing his arm off me.

"No." He replied walking next to me.

"Wait." I say now stopping in my tracks.

"What?" He asks.

"We have to do a presentation." I say.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asks.

I turn to him.

"Don't you get it? I have only a few people in that class that likes me. The rest of them will make fun of me, laugh at me, whisper. Almost all of them like you." I say turning back around.

"It's gonna be so embarrassing." I mumble.

I get really nervous in crowds. Especially when it's school crowds.

"If you want, I can do most of the speaking?" He asked with a soft tone.

He actually seemed worried.


"Really?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah, I get it."

"Thank you. Wow, can't believe I'm actually saying that." I say.

He laughs slightly and we continue to walk to class.


A/n: Short ass chapter, but a chapter none the less 🤭

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