Chapter 13

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We climbed back into my room and I took my shoes off.

I took off my hoodie and threw it at my open closet.

I could hear my mom downstairs talking to the guy she brought home.

"Can I stay the night?" I hear Aidan ask.

"What?" I ask as I turn around. "I don't know-"

"Or you could come to my house. I can text my parents now." He says.

"Fine." I say sighing.

I walk over to my closet and grab a backpack.

I put a few clothes in and zip it up.

"See," he says showing me his phone. "they said yes."

And as I looked at the messages, he was right. They said yes.

I grab my air pods and phone charger. I then put my phone in my back pocket.

I put the backpack over my shoulder and walk to my window.

"She won't notice," I told him. "when I was a kid I learned that when she drank, she would wake up after noon. Always after noon."

"I'll make sure you're back before then." He says.

I climb out he follows behind me. We climb down the ladder and walk down the sidewalk.

"So, did your mom drink often?" He asks.

"Well," I inhale. "when I was a kid she did. After my dad knocked her up and she had me, she drank because of her mom's death. My dad didn't live with us because she lived with her mom and dad. And after her dad died she got the house. Drank more after that. She became abusive and I hate to say this about my mom, but she became a whore. A new man was her every three days. That was until my dad came to her and helped her with her addiction. She fell in love with him and him with her. But I guess she's started her addiction again."

"How-" he furrows his eyebrows. "how abusive?"

"Well, it depended on what she drank. Wine does almost nothing. Beer, maybe a slap or two. Whiskey and tequila, a punch or maybe ten. But vodka was the worst." I tell him. "I still have a scar from when she threw a glass bottle at me."

I lift up my shirt a bit and show him my rib cage.

There was a scar what was healed but you could still tell it was there very easily.


"I know right."

We continue walking until we get to his house and we walk inside.

He sneaks me past the kitchen where his parents are and takes me to his room.

"They said yes, right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but if I tell them they'll be all nice and sweet and blah blah blah and ask if you're my girlfriend. So no." He says.

I nod and walk around his room.

It was pretty nice. He had a guitar, that I had no clue he played.

I sat on his bed and holy shit it was so comfortable.

I took my backpack off and sat it on the floor.

I laid back on his bed and closed my eyes. I could hear him laugh slightly from behind me.

"Are you comfortable?" He says.

"Oh very much."

I open my eyes and sit up.

"We can watch a movie or something?" He asks.

I was about to respond when I heard my phone ring.

I looked at the screen and there was Shanna's name.

"Hold on." I say as I answer it.

"Hey." I say with a breath.

"Y/n Y/l/n."


"Why the hell haven't you answered? Me, Calleigh, and Lydia were so worried. What happened? "

"My dad died."

The line goes silent.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n/n. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine Shy. I'm um," I say looking at Aidan. "busy."

"Ok, I'll let you go. I love you, and I'm always here for you. Same with Lydia and Calleigh."

"Ok, love you too." I say quietly.

I hung up and set my phone down.

Aidan kneels down beside me, looking up at me.


"Wanna talk about it?" He asks.

I play with the fabric of my jeans.

"Kinda." I say.

He sits beside me and turns to look at me.

"I'm listening."

I sigh and lean against his bedframe. I bring my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on my knee.

"It seems almost unreal," I say. "like he's not dead and he's still here. Waiting for me at home."

Aidan just looks at me as tears brim my eyes.

"He was always my favorite of my two parents. And I know that sounds fucked up but he didn't hit me, or hurt me. He always helped me." A tear falls. "And it's hard knowing I won't ever get called 'kiddo' again."

More tears fall and I wipe them away.

"I just miss him." I sniff.

I breathe out but it came out as more of a laugh. I wipe more tears away.

"I'm sorry. This is the second time today I've cried in front of you."

He crawls beside me and opens his arms. I lay on his chest and he plays with my hair.

"It's ok." He whispered.

More tears fell and I was getting tired.

"You can go to sleep." He said.

I listened to him, and fell asleep.


A/n: I apologize for not updating for so long.

I'm back baba grills 😍

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