christmas day!

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it's early Christmas morning, 6:30 am to be exact, and the house is chaotic as ever luffy and tama were running around waking people up nojiko was waiting by the tree downstairs in a robe drinking some coffee like a black mom. everyone had eventually gotten out of bed and came downstairs

for once it was peaceful in this house well as peaceful as it can get everyone had gathered around the christmas tree, zoro was still half sleep

" i just don't see why we have to be up so damn early," he complained

nami kicked him, "zoro shut yo ass up and stop being a grinch"

"well that would definitely explain the green hair," sanji with his backhanded comments.

"twirly brow!' zoro yelled a lil to passionate.

"moss head" The blonde replied.

nami hit the both of them before they started fighting after all the foolery they srtarted opening gifts the kids were of course first luffy had protested but we all know how that went tama had a bunch of toys from everyone most of them were from mihawk tama was about to open another gift before grace ran over and snatched it out of her hand

everyone was looking at her like she was crazy which she kind of was to an extent but she wasn't gonna admit that, " this is one is for your father honey,"

ace when he heard that he looked a little too happy and everyone just stared at grace.

"well ok.." ace said while looking down at the gift grace handed to her.

he stared at it for a minute before ani spoke up, "nigga hurry and open it" ani yawned laying on law.

"someone's cranky" usopp joked drinking coffee.

ace started ripping the wrapping paper as ani and usopp became back round noise, "you would too if u didn't have that goddamn coffee-" ani got inruped by ace slamming the boxes top closed.

everyone's attention including ani and usopp went to ace who looked a little red..

ani, shanks, nojiko, nami, and usopp laughed as grace looked at ace with a smile.

"so what did she get you??" nojiko said after laughing.

"nunya" he replied glaring at everyone in the room.

"oh come on let me seee" ani said while taking the box and trying to look inside.

when i tell u ace jumped he jumped trying to get that box but soon failed bc she already saw what grace had gotten the man.

"grace u just gave me a great idea" when ani had said that law looked scared, more scared then the time ani was finna break up w him.

"nah what did she see..." nami and usopp said.

"bros scared" zoro said doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

ace and law gave eachother a look and this did not go unnoticed by usopp, "see look i told y'all that's no-" he tried before rayleigh put a hand over his mouth.

sabo was oddly quiet and for once didn't have anyone next to him..

when usopp said that the pair quickly looked away wondering if they're ever going to escape these allegations. 

a few others got to opening gifts, but when it was shanks's turn it turned out he only got one and it was from ani and law..

as shanks examined the gift ani and law sat like parents watching their kid open the present.

"this gift is going to be either really stupid or really funny" ace and luffy said.

"luffy has no right to call anything stupid.." nami usopp and chopper said.

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