the store

148 9 25

y'all heard what he said 😜


"is this really necessary?" ace holds up the leash in disbelief.

"yeah! this is totally unfair!" luffy whines out.

sabo who attached them to the cart ignores their protests after it took an hour to find ace last time and luffy cleared out the meat supply he wasn't going to  put up with it again.

"this is just ridiculous!! i mean what will grace think when she sees this???"

sabo snorts," she'll  probably get turned on,"

aces face turns red," HEY!!" he's cut off when the cart moves

sabo pulls out a grocery list and  starts picking things up and checking them off.  "who actually writes a grocery list?" ace comments.

sabo doesn't even look up and continues putting items in the cart, "me. what are you going to do about it?"

"fight you." ace says a smirk on his face

"with the handcuffs on?" sabo looks up then and points to the handcuffs

"these may be handcuffs but they aren't aceproof," ace says with absolute certainty and attempts to break free failing miserably at it.

"they may be aceproof but they aren't luffyproof," luffy tries to break free failing

"you guys look like such idiots right now.." sabo facepalms.

ace and luffy are pouting in defeat.

sabo continues shop, checking things off, until he notices it's too quiet.

"luffy im surprised you're not-" sabo turns only to be faced with nobody, and 2 empty leashes.

sabo starts looking left and right desperate to find at least one of them, before anything they cause anything, only to find luffy on top of the freezers.

"how the hell, did you get up there?" sabo practically yells.

"sabo! the kind old man offered me meat if i gave him something." luffy laughed while continuing to eat.

'kind old man...' sabo thought. "luffy what did you give him?"

"your wallet! when he looked inside of it he got so happy. we swapped and he left."

sabos face contorted into one of complete rage. "luffy how the fuck are we gonna pay for your meat, if we have no money."

"the red haired guy over there said i should never pay for what i don't want to." luffy shrugs while pointing to the left.

sabo turns and is faced with the filthiest looking man he's ever seen.


sabo stands there bewildered watching as shanks, the man with his wallet starts counting the money.

"i got real lucky kid, your friend over there gave me this wallet for some packaged meat!"

"you dumbass, that's luffy, and it's my wallet." sabo says while his eyebrow twitches at the thought of luffy doing something this idiotic.

"thought i saw a familiar face on the ID but i couldn't put a name to it and you know i can't read!"

shanks looks between sabo and the wallet before speaking.

"sabo have this, as a gift from me." shanks says smiling while handing back sabo his wallet.

sabo stands in the aisle trying to process the last 5 minutes, when he's brought out of his trance by a force on his back and hands covering his eyes.

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