Chapter 3. Part 4.

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  Water dripped from my skin as I lay in the sand, entrapped in Niall's arms watching the sun rise. We'd put our clothes back on even though they became soaking wet.  I could hear Nialls heart beat under his chest as I rested my head against him. The consisistent beaiting was calming, and I felt safe. Niall made me feel free and alive. 

"Grey," Niall spoke into the back of my dark wet hair. I could hear a sharp twist of worry in his tohne. I tilted my head up and met his striking blue eyes.

"What is it Niall?" I smiled up at him, he began to speak, 

" Sometimes, I feel like I am forced to be perfect. I feel like I need to fit the standards the world has set for me, like I have to portray this fake person every single day. This person that isn't really me. I sometims, well, I'm frightened by it you know. Sometimes I'm afraid that I'll get so used to being this fake person that I'll forget who I really am, and that I'll become the person everyone wants me to be." His eyes nervously darted around, afraid to meet mine. Finally his blue orbs connected with me and he continued,  "But when i'm with you,  I'm myself. I know that whenever I'm with you I can be myself and you'll accept me for me."  

I understood what he meant, I didn't want him to be forced to not be true to himself. He was amazing, he deserved better. 

"How do you do that?" I sat up curiously. 

"Do what?" He asked politely, however he did seem a little alarmed by my sudden change of placement. 

"How do you find the words to say what you feel? Because I try so hard to do that and I always end up not saying what I really mean. It's like I try to be ehard and I try to be seen, but whenever I am heard or seen it's always something I've made up because I couldn't find the right words for what I needed to say. But when you speak you seem to not have a care in the world. You seem so confident and well," I let out a small chuckle and continued, "I don't know the words for it."  His hand cupped my chin. 

"Don't you worry Grey, because I'll always know what you mean." His rosy lips press lightly against my wet forehead. 

"What am I going to do when you go back to tour?" the fear of when he would leave in a few days continued to haunt my mind. Management had let him stay for a few extra days since this was Niall's hometown, but his parents were away so he didn't get a chance to see them. 

"Come with me Grey." Niall's eyes light up like a lightbulb at his sudden idea.

"N-niall, I have school in the fall!" I spoke hesitantly. It was a wonderful idea, but I had so much to do here. 

"The tour is only until the end of the summer. Come on, please. You can stay on the tour bus with me and the boys. It's huge we'll have enough room for you. Harry's girlfriend is doing it, and the other boy's girlfriends just left."  The idea did seem alright. I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind me leaving, and I mean my job as a waitress at applebee's wasn't all that good. Maybe I could set up a job for me to do with management. Oh shit, I'm meeting my donor soon.

"Niall, I c-can't, I made a commitment." I explained. 

"What type of commitment?" Niall's hands slid into mine as he scooched closer towards me.

Should I tell Niall about the phone call with my mother this morning? The only person I had ever told was Erin and Tori. But I trusted Niall. I decided to tell him the entire story. How my mom couldn't find love but she still wanted to have a child. How I grew up day after day wondering who my father was, living without a Dad.  I told him the whole story up until this morning. His eyes grew narrow with concern. 

"We'll fly you back for a few days to meet him!" Niall chirped in excitement. This idea was great. I nodded my head in agreement. 

"What time is it?" I asked him. Niall looked down at his waterproof watch.

"SHIT! It's nine in the morning. I have an interview at ten! I have to go, do you want to meet me somewhere when I'm done?" He shot up to his feet in a rush.

"Sure, how about Roberta's Diner at like eight?" I offered quickly. 

"Alright, I'll bring the boys. Dress nicely!" He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and hurried off into the distance, I smiled happily to myself. This summer was going to be amazing. 


I had just taken a quick shower and was lounging around my house in Victoria's Seceret yoga pants, a blue loose sweater, and some Uggs. I plopped down happily on my leather couch and began flipping through the TV channels. I suddenly stopped clicking the remote when I saw five familiar faces on the screen. 

"We're back with One Direction. So the question we've all been waiting for, are any of you crushing on another lady at the moment?" The short, and stubby man asked. The boys were all sitting on a bright red couch and the interviewer was hidden behind a large desk. 

"Niall's got a new girl" Liam nudged Niall in the shoulder. Niall's face turned bright red instantly. Louis laughed uncontrolably and teased, 

"Oh ya, he has been talking about her all day. What was her name again?" Louis leaned across Harry into Niall. 

"Grey," Niall practically whispered . He was so embarrassed. 

"So Niall, tell us about "Grey"" The old man jokingly said. 

"Well, she's smart, funny, beautiful. She's everything I want in a girl. I'm really lucky to have found her." Niall seemed off in his own little world as he spoke. 

"Well, I hope things work out between you too. Now Harry, I heard you're going with Annie-" I quickly shut the Television off. Had Niall really thought of me as all of the things he said? I couldn't believe he had talked about me to the rest of the band. Butterflies started floating in my stomach. So far this day had been amazing. 



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