Chapter 4. Part 2.

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I woke up to the sound of some type of racket in the kitchen. Quickly I glanced to my left side where Niall had laid, instead of seeing the cheerful blonde beaut I saw an ocean of sheets thrown across the soft mattress. It must've been Niall making the noise in the kitchen. I climbed out of the bed tiredly, my bare feet padding against the plush pink carpeting of my room.

"Niall?" I croaked out tiredly, surely enough I saw his lean figure, throwing some bacon on a frying pan.

Oh good lord. Niall looked so sexy right now. His golden hair was tousled in a tired mess, he had thrown off his shirt and was revealing his lean figure. Niall had grabbed my pink "kiss the chef" apron and was wearing it over his sweatpants. When I called his name he glanced up at me.

"Hey Grey. Sorry I was a bit hungry, so I decided to cook some breakfast. Damn, does it get hot in your kitchen." Niall's voice was tired and weak. It was very groggily, which made him even more attractive. After his remarks he eagerly reverted his attention back to the sizzling bacon, his eyes growing big.

"Um, okay." I replied, as my phone rang in my bedroom.

I swiftly walked to my room and answered the phone.

"Hello darling." My mother chirped. Oh god.

"Hi, mom.." I said reluctantly. Why was she so happy?

"Well you know how I found your donor?" She asked.

"Um, yah..." I responded suspiciously.

"Turns out he can't make t next week so I guess he wants to meet today!" Fake enthusiasm reeked from her words.

I groaned loudly. I suppose it was a good thing because that way I wouldn't have to leave the tour, which I had yet to tell my mom about. However, I wouldn't have time to mentally prepare for it!

"Okay," I replied, a tad bit of anger lingering in my voice. My mom shrugged past the remark and was about to flee from our conversation before I stopped her.

"Um, Mom I've been seeing this guy." I said nervously.

"Oh really? Who is it?" Her voice growing more serious, and edging into the mom I remembered her to be.

"Niall, Niall Horan." I said, fearfully.

"You mean From One Direction?" She said astonished. I giggled a little at her amount of shock.

"Yah, and we've gotten to know one another over the course of a couple weeks, so he asked me if I wanted to go on tour for the rest of the summer with him." I rushed past my words. Even if she didn't approve of me going, I was still going to. Hell I was going to college in the fall, I lived on my own, I was practically a grown woman I can make decisions for myself.

"For goodness sake Grey! You're not actually thinking of going!?" She replied angrily.

"Yah, I am." I responded, equally as stern.

"What happens if the two of you call it off. He's in a famous boyband! How does he even have time for you! There's millions of girls around the world dying to date him. You don't even slightly suspect that he would cheat on-" I cut her off immediately.

"Don't you dare say that Mom. I trust Niall, I love him. He cares about me, that's why he asked me to go on your with him, so he has time for me. After tour we'll come back to Europe. I'll see where things go from there. But don't you dare say he would cheat on me you don't even know the boy." I spat my words out at her. It disgusted me how quickly she was to assume things.

"How are you going to work? You need money to pay for college! I'm not paying for it all by myself! I want to meet the boy, your going across the world with him for god sakes!" She ordered. I rolled my eyes angrily.

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