Chapter 4. Part 5.

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I had spent the majority of the evening looking in disgust at my pathetic mother and her boyfriend, Ted. Ted was alright I suppose. He seemed nicer than mother at least, and he was pretty funny. Ted also enjoyed the same type of music I did. I really liked him. Of course my mother and Ted both fancied Niall, I mean how could you not! Niall is charming and full of energy. He's so easy to talk to and everyone loves him. He's the life of the party. Finally after the dreadful evening Niall was driving me home.

"Your mom seems sweet." He chuckled. I couldn't help but hysterically laugh at his ignorant remark.

"That's only because your company, trust me there's a whole other side to her." I retorted. A smile cracked upon Niall's face.

"You're cute when your mad." He joked, eyes still plastered on the road.

"So, how was your meeting with mangement?" I asked. In all reality I was just trying to think of words to fill the empty air that lay in between our bodies.

"Um, alright." He replied hesitantly. His face crinkled with sorrow.

"Are you sure?" I worriedly asked, I could easily tell when Niall was lying.

"No," he honestly spat out. I attempted to interrupt him but his voice continued on.

"I told management about you, and they think you're a suitable girlfriend for me, but they're making Liam and Danielle and Zayn and Perrie break up, so that the fans don't get to frustrated with the band." His voice was exploding with regret.

"Niall, I'm sorry." I choked out. I had no idea what to say.

"It's fine, they'll still see each other they're just going to hide it from management." He concluded.

"I feel so bad. " I choked under my breath.

"Management said that they'd pay you to do what they say in front of the cameras, I don't want you to do it." Niall said, his eyes nervously dancing back and forth.

"It just doesn't seem natural, like people who are in love would act. I don't want this relationship to be fake like all the other celebrity couples out there." Niall continued. Actually, it would be a great way for me to make money while I was on your with him.

"I don't think it will be too fake. Whatever love I show for you is real, an it always will be." I reassured him happily.

"Good, I have a surprise for you." Niall chirped, changing the subject. He hauled the car to a complete stop, but I could barely make out where we were, it was super dark outside.

Niall climbed outside of the vehicle and jumped on top of the roof of the car. I was utterly confused. What was he doing? Suddenly his upside down head peaked out from outside my window, his smile widened as he tapped playfully on the window, eagerly I rolled it down.

"Come on up!" He encouraged as soon as I rolled the window down. I giggled as I hoisted myself on top of the car, with Niall's help.

"Now lay down. The shows about to start." He instructed. What show? I was so confused but I really didn't care. As long as I was with Niall. His big arm draped around my shoulder as I rested my head on his bicep, my eyes piercing up at the star filled sky. Thousands of stars flooded the cold summer night sky, bursting through the emptiness of the black and filling it with excitement. I wondered how long the sky ran on, and how many others looked up at the same stunning sky I was gazing at now. Suddenly I heard a loud burst ripple through the brisk air. Being shortly replaced by a ray of blue colors that gently fell down like the waterfall Niall and I had seen earlier. Fireworks.

"Isn't it great?" Niall said into the top of my head.

"Yes." I whispered. We watched countless other fireworks blast off into the night sky, all of them a variety of unique colors. Ranging from pink to green to orange and so on.

"This is so beautiful Niall." I spoke as the finale of fireworks stormed the night sky one after another, making the boring black canvas appear to be magical.

"I've seen things that are more beautiful." He cheekily grinned.

"Like what?" I wondered. I had honestly never seen something so wonderful before.

"You." The word flew out of his mouth and fell peacefully into my dainty ear, creating a smile to be formed gracefully by my lips.

"Do you really want to know what song I listen to at two in the morning?" He whispered. I shook my head in pleasure.

"The song I wrote for you. Because at two in the morning, or three in the afternoon, or anytime or anywhere. I want to think about you. I want to be with you, and I want you to be with me." He croaked.

(SHORT AUTHORS NOTEEEE, okay guys I am not going to write a song and it'd be hard to understand what the songs tune is by just writing it ya dig, so lets just pretend that ed didnt write little things, niall did, and that it hasn't come out yet and it's not on their cd. Okk back to the story)

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me." Niall sang, his tone rich and beautiful. His large hand slid into mine, his long fingers lacing in through my own, our hands fit perfectly together like a puzzle.

"But bare this in mind, it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me." He continued on with the song. Each rich note and beautiful word creating goosebumps on my skin. Niall loved me, and I was starting to believe I loved him. When he finally finished the song, my lips instantly pressed against his own.

He flipped my body over so I was lying gently on top of him, his tongue slowly pressing against my own, but flickering back into his mouth. I allowed my lips to travel down his jaw line and lead on to his collar bone, his fingers combing through my jet black hair as his other hand was placed firmly on my bum. I could feel his want for me press against the zipper of his jeans, begging to be allowed pleasure.

"I think I'm ready." I whispered into Niall's chest as he stopped pleasuring me with his tongue.

"Are you sure." He said, in between excited breaths. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Come on then, there's more space in the back of the car." He jumped down from the vehicle and helped me down with him. Together we climbed into the back, him unbuckling his leather belt.

The stars illuminated his figure fantastically. Every perfection of him was shown clearly. He slowly unbuttoned his jeans, and zipped down his zipper. Before he took of the rest of his jeans his gaze reverted towards me. His body inching closer and closer to mine.

"Is this your first time?" He groaned seductively, revealing a side to him Id never witnessed before.

"Y-yes." I whimpered pathetically.

He deeply chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." His hands pulled down the rest of his jeans, leaving on only his bulging green boxers. Slowly his fingers fluttered to the hem of my shirt, slowly lifting up the soft cotton.



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