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I don't recommend running from your problems, but running from what most certainly would cause even more trouble... might again not be the best decision but could definitely make the cut sometimes. Or not.

Some situations call for stupidity rather than an IQ worthy of Mensa.

Or on second thought, perhaps not, but we don't have a ridiculously high IQ, what can we do really? Not that you need a high IQ to realize this was stupid, but what doesn't panic make you do?

So we have a pretty girl with shoulder-length black hair and big dark eyes, the stupid one whose idea this was, her name is Park Seoah. She's not usually this stupid. Our girl in question is also holding onto a boy with a firm grip around his wrist. This boy is Mark Lee. I know right, we're holding onto the Mark Lee. Sounds like a Y/N fanfic to me. There's a reason why she's pulling Mark with her for her dare life though. If it's valid or not... I'll let you decide. (A little hint, it's not)

So either way, the two of them are running. Seoah's cheeks are bright red and she's panting already, but that doesn't stop her. Mark is also just following, but like it's fine because he knows her, kind of. He knows who she is at least.

Seoah is starting to question why she brought Mark now though. It's funny how your mind starts to function, almost at least, first when it's already too late. She can't just ditch him now, but in a way, he's the one she's trying to escape, taking him with her might make it worse. It should make it worse. But she didn't have the heart to just leave him there either. Nor did she have the brains to figure out she would have avoided everything if she had, or just not panicked at all and kept her cool as she greeted Mark instead of running away with him.

Her eyes were set on a door at the end of the hallway. Once she reached her destination she quickly yanked the door open, pushed the boy in before her, and then slammed the door shut behind them.

"I think we got rid of them" the boy said calmly despite just having run for their lives. He looked rather uncomfortable though, taken by surprise, this wasn't what he'd planned. "Quite a long time ago" he added. His tone was also somewhat sarcastic, or judging, which was very reasonable. He just went on a run against his own will. He simply wanted to get home and rest.

"It's better being safe, I don't want rumors spreading the day after my debut that I'm dating Mark Lee" Seoah justified herself and narrowed her eyes at the door with worry, as if she was waiting for it to open up.

"I was just stating the obvious, but sure, I agree, 100%" Mark said and continued being all calm, showing no signs of bitterness towards Seoah for dragging him along on her odyssey through the company.

"Sunbaenim, Mark, my friend, you don't need to state the obvious, I do have a functioning brain" she declared, though some may argue that was a big lie.

"Cool" he said and nodded. "So why did we run now again?" He asked her and leaned against the wall. He tilted his head to the side and glanced at Seoah with fascination.

"Can't two people just go for a casual run?" She asked him with a phony smile.

"Seoah, we're inside the company building" he stated with a raised eyebrow.

"Mm, so?" She questioned him, but she was mostly astonished that Mark had recalled her name.

"It wasn't exactly a casual run I would say" he acknowledged, to Seoah's surprise.

"I was just trying to get away from the photographers, they probably made it look like we were hugging or something" she explained to him, trying to justify decisions made because of her lack of brain cells.

"And your brain told you to run and look fishy, like you had something to hide, instead of just keeping your cool and staying calm to show you don't have anything to hide" he said, and now hearing it like that Seoah felt like the biggest idiot ever.

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