- 13 - Keys

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As the doorbell rang, Some of the girls in the dorm became alert, knowing exactly who stood outside.

"Seoah, it's for you" Mirae called in a teasing way.

"Will someone open? I have raw chicken on my hands" She called back to those who weren't cooking.

"Don't worry" Mirae said and went to open the door while Seoah washed her hands. "Well hello Mark" Mirae then said after opening up and seeing the boy standing in the doorway.

"Hi," he said back a bit awkwardly.

"Welcome into our humble abode" she then said and gestured for him to come inside.

"Thank you," he said and stepped inside before closing the door behind him. "I'm just here..." he then began before being interrupted.

"You're here to get your keys, I know, Seoah's just in the kitchen, she'll be out any second," Mirae told him, and as on cue, Seoah appeared.

"Sorry I had chicken on my hands," Seoah said to him as she was approaching.

"No worries," he said.

"So how exactly did Seoah manage to take your keys with her by accident?" Mirae asked curiously.

"I really don't know," Mark said with a frown.

Mirae looked up at him with a smirk. "So it wasn't intentional?" she asked.

"Intentional from who?" Seoah asked Mirae with a look of disbelief.

"Well, I don't know," Mirae said with a shrug but looked very cunning. She was just trying to tease them both.

"Do you want a full story on where we put our keys or what?" Seoah asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Is there one?" Mirae asked, suddenly looking hopeful.

"No," Seoah said.

Mark let out a laugh at the two girls' bickering. "We laid them all together in a locker to not have them in our pockets. Then as we came back after playing to pick up our stuff Seoah took her keys and must've taken mine too by accident, but I also forgot to take my keys at all so I didn't notice they were missing until I and Johnny entered the apartment" he recalled what had happened to see what had gone wrong.

"But don't Johnny have keys?" Mirae asked a bit confused.

"We live in different dorms, there's the tenth floor where I live, then there's the fifth floor where he lives" Mark explained. "But sure, people were at home so I could get in, but I will still need my keys later" he added.

"Right," Mirae said and nodded.

"Are you done interrogating him now?" Seoah said as she'd found the keys and handed them over to Mark.

"I'm not interrogating him" Mirae defended herself.

Seoah just raised an eyebrow.

"Okay I'll leave you two alone now," Mirae said and turned to walk away.

"Right, you wanted your keys," Seoah said and went to pick up Mark's keys she'd left on the table.

"They're good to have" he agreed.

"Don't worry, my sister taught me how to pick locks" Seaoh commented as she made her way back.

"Yo, Mark is here," Lina said as she came out of the kitchen.

"You haven't noticed until now?" Seaoh asked and handed over the keys to Mark who put them down in his pocket. It wasn't really a question because she was fully aware Lina had heard when he came since Seoah stood next to her and screamed for someone else to open for him.

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