- 4 - Music Bank

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March 18 2022

The overall mood in the car to Music Bank was gloomy. They'd been so delighted after the performance at M Countdown yesterday, satisfied that everything had unfolded as it should. Then they made the mistake of checking what people had to say about it.

"This is just rude. As if they could do it any better," Lina uttered while reading some comments. She was looking down at the screen of her phone with a scowl.

"I know, they just want to create drama," Mirae chimed in with a mad pout, she too with her phone in her hand as she scrolled down the comment section.

"Don't read the comments," Naeun tried to advise them, gaining four glares by doing so. "They just want to get to your heads, but you can't let them," she explained.

"Your leader has a point," Their manager said, moving the four sets of eyes to himself.

"Whatever," Lina sneered but put her phone away.

Mirae however, pretended not to have heard Manager Kim's command and carried on with her eyes glued to the screen.

"Mirae," Naeun said, gazing towards the maknae with a serious demeanor.

"Okay fine" She huffed, setting her phone aside to look around with annoyance.

"Let's do our best to prove them all wrong today, okay?" Seoah did an attempt to cheer them up. She looked calm on the outside but on the inside, she was angry too. Or maybe not angry, more like disappointed in herself. Were they really that bad? She knew they weren't, yet couldn't help but consider it. Maybe, just maybe, there was something in what they were saying.

Of course, the good comments were also countless. There was far more love than hate, but after just having debuted it was hard not to get blinded by negativity.

The van pulled up and the five girls got out with their manager. Nobody said a word as they entered the building. This time they weren't in a hurry so they could go and hang out in the backstage room a while before it was time for the first rehearsal.

Mirae and Seoah sat down on the sofa and leaned against each other. Seoah's head was on Mirae's shoulder and Mirae's head was on Seoah's head.

"I'm so sleepy," Mirae said and closed her eyes. Mirae who'd been so cooky yesterday for not being tired because she actually got sleep. She slept well this night too but not long enough. When they'd returned to the dorm it was already far past her bedtime. Mirae past bedtime is a Mirae you don't want to deal with. Mirae the day after is tired and grumpy, also not someone you want to deal with.

"Me too, I don't even know how late I fell asleep yesterday" Seoah replied. She could tell most certainly that she'd gotten less sleep than her group member since they shared a room and the only one who snored in that room was Mirae.

Lina came and sat down next to them as well and leaned on Mirae's other shoulder. "This is too early," She complained as she closed her eyes to try and take a nap.

Naeun and Sera sat down in a chair each on the other side "Let's not fall asleep just yet" Naeun encouraged them. The first rehearsal was too soon and if they took a nap now they'd just be even more tired when it was time to head out.

"Mm okay," Seoah said and picked up her phone to stay awake. She opened up subway surfer, feeling like a pro gamer as she started the game, knowing full well a few minutes would pass and then she'd die because she was too tired.

"Too late," Mirae groaned and continued her sleep. Forget grumpy, she was a rebellious teenager at this point.

Sera also picked up her phone to keep herself busy, and she knew she shouldn't be reading all those comments right now, but she just couldn't stop herself because when she unlocked her phone she was still in the comment section. It was like her eyes missed all the praise and love because all she could see were hate, especially towards her.

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