- 3 - M Countdown

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March 17 2022

The girls were all half asleep as they sat in the van on their way to the M Countdown stage. That was except for Mirae who had a whooping 10 hours of sleep.

Then something suddenly hit Seoah. "Can we just drop by the company real quick? I left my AirPods there yesterday and I really need to listen to music to calm down," She said.

"It's 5:30 and we need to be there by 6 am, well, it's on the way anyway, so why not," their manager agreed after doing quick maths while talking.

"Thank you," Seoah said.

From where they were at that moment they would have to drive around everything though to reach the company, walking would be faster.

"You can drop me off here, I'll just run over and back, it'll only take a couple minutes," Seoah said and Manager Kim stopped to let her out.

She walked fast because she didn't want to waste any time but soon she noticed someone was following her. Since she debuted yesterday people actually recognized her now, despite wearing loose oversized jeans and an even bigger hoodie. She was even wearing a face mask, yet she was pretty sure she had at least two people following her that were holding onto cameras.

Well shit. She sped up a bit more but without running. Don't be suspicious... dooon't beee suspicious. That meme melody was playing in her head as she entered the company, or was about to enter that is.

Then she felt how she collided with something that felt a lot like a person. Maybe because it was a person. Mark Lee actually. Nice as he is, he caught her and she just fell forward a bit so she was leaning against his chest. That's when her stupid brain decided it was a good idea to run. And take Mark with her... So the photographers wouldn't get any funny photos. Real smart right? Told you her reason wasn't valid.

So back to where we started, the door that opened up and caused her to fall onto the floor on her back. That was Naeun looking for Seoah because she was taking longer than she should.

Seoah fell out and Naeun was fast to catch her so she didn't fall to the floor.

"What are you two even doing?" She asked the two of them after she'd helped Seoah stand up.

"We were running from photographers," Seoah informed her, and Naeun had actually seen those when she entered.

"They can't get past the security though," she said and couldn't quite understand what they were doing all the way back here. "And why did you have to run anyway? you have anything to hide?" she asked with suspicion.

"It's that big brain energy you know," Seoah said and looked done with herself. "For real though, I'm so nervous right now, my brain isn't working, let's just leave it at that," She didn't need to feel even more stupid right now.

"Yeah, okay, let's go get your AirPods now so we can leave," Naeun said and left the room with Seoah and Mark after her.

"You guys are performing on M Countdown today?" Mark asked. He was heading the same way as the girls since he was going for the exit.

"Yeah, It's our first music show," Naeun said with big eyes full of anticipation.

"You'll kill it Naeun, all those years here at the company will finally pay off," he said and gave the girl a big smile. "And you too Seoah, spit some bars because I know you're good at that," he turned to the second female to say.

"Thank you," She just thanked him before they reached the room they'd been in yesterday. "Wait, what are you even doing here this early?" It crossed Seoah's mind that Mark was heading home and it was like 5:35 am.

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