- 15 - TikTok

41 3 1

"Did they seriously think we're dating?" Seoah asked Mark as she thought back to the interview that same day.

They were sitting on the floor in the practice room, leaning against the wall. Sera was once again in need of some spontaneous late-night practice. She'd acted weird since the interview. Most notably, she kept checking her surroundings anxiously every now and then. It worried Seoah, but every time she asked about it, Sera just shook her off, saying it was nothing. The best she could do was to keep an eye on Sera, which she was doing now.

Seoah however had her own concerns, perhaps not as serious, but people apparently thought she was dating Mark. Ridiculous really. What even made them think... well, on another thought...

"You just won your first music show win and that's what you're thinking about?" Mark asked her back, looking at her with slight amusement.

"Do we really give off the dating energy?" Seoah asked but didn't wait for Mark's answer before continuing to rant. "Like I would say we give a chaotic bestie energy" she argued.

"I don't think it's the energy we're giving, I think it's that we're seen together a lot" Mark explained. Because that was evidently true.

"Yeah but if we had been dating we wouldn't have been showing ourselves together so casually on camera all the time," because according to her research, and personal experience somewhat, idols (or trainees) who are dating, usually don't show themselves on purpose together. She just couldn't drop it. Were people stupid?

"So what did you say?" Mark wondered what I'd answered the interviewer.

"That we're friends, of course," she said with a shrug.

Mark nodded and Seoah looked up at Sera who was still dancing. Though she was starting to look exhausted. Seoah wondered how much longer Sera would be able to keep it up. If she continued like this her health wouldn't be good.

They'd been at the company since the show was over. Their manager said they should celebrate their win, but Sera just had to practice immediately.

Well at the company they met some of the dreamies. They'd soon started heading home one after the other though and now only Mark was left with Seoah and Sera. At first Mark and Seoah had been practicing too, might as well use the time effectively. Later they were laying on the floor next to each other and talking. Then went on to practice some more after a short break. And now they were back to sitting in a corner.

They'd been here for like 4 hours. It was the middle of the night already, way past midnight.

Now Seoah decided it was enough for Sera too. She stood up and went to cut the music. "Sera, let's stop it here," she said to the older girl who stopped suddenly when the room went quiet. Sera looked over at Seoah and her eyes were red and swollen, but her cheeks were dry. She decided not to ask about it right then, right there, but she knew for a fact that something was up, not just hate comments, but something else too.

"Let's go to the convenience store again," Seoah suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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