- 2 - Live stream

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"To the world NCT! Hello, we are NCT GG" the girls said in unison for the first time in front of their fans who were watching their live stream.

"Yes SM are trying our new things and we're NCT's newest subunit NCT GG which stands for Neo Culture Technology Good Game and we're an esports unit, we play Superstar SM town for a living," Seoah said, keeping a serious mask. The others were also trying their hardest to stay serious, but easier said than done. Their manager and a film team were standing in front of them, wondering what the hell they were doing.

"Yes, absolutely, and let's introduce ourselves now," Naeun said who'd almost managed to keep a calm face with only a little casual smile.

"You go first then since you're the leader," Mirae told Naeun.

"Alright, hello everyone I'm Seo Naeun and I'm the one with the shortest trainee period," the oldest girl in the group lied, still with a casual and unbothered smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Yoon Sera and I'm the shortest member," Sera said and let her shoulders sink into a bad posture to come off shorter. Her face didn't move a muscle, she was for sure the best actor in the group.

"Hello, dajiahao, I'm Zhang Lei Fang, but you can call me Lina, and I'm from Korea," Lina said and smiled, exaggerating her accent to not sound Korean at all.

At this point, Mirae couldn't help but let out a grunt as her face was forced into a smile she was trying to hide with all her might.

"Hello! I'm Park Seoah and I'm the most introverted member," Seoah said, still with a stoic and serious face. At this point, Mirae was a mess. She was bent over, hiding her face in her hands. The other members watched how her whole body shook as she was keeping the sound of her laughter to escape her mouth.

Everyone but Sera almost broke their masks. They had to really focus to restrain themselves from falling into laughter.

Some mouth corners were twitching and weird faces were inevitable. Seoah had to keep her lips tightly sealed and look away to not look like an idiot and the other girls had similar problems except Sera.

Amid all the chaos, Sera sat like a statue, breathing calmly with a neutral face.

"Yah Mirae, your turn," Lina said to the maknae who was currently dying, but Lina was also dying so her voice came out weak and weird to avoid any laughs to escape.

Mirae finally sat up straight and removed her hands to show a red face. She was trying her hardest to not smile. She took a deep breath and tried to force down the corners of her mouth, but didn't exactly succeed because the next second they curved up again. She took another deep breath and tried again. Failure. She tried a third and last time and began speaking before her facial expressions gave up on her again. "Hi I'm Oh Mirae and I'm the oldest in the group," she spoke, but as she was talking her smile grew bigger and bigger and her voice became more and more unsteady until a laugh managed to escape at the end.

"She really can't keep a straight face," Sera said and looked at her, with the straightest face in history.

"So we've all witnessed now that Mirae is also the best actor out of us all," Seoah spoke to the viewers after having managed to calm down enough to speak.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Naeun fanning herself to make her face go back to regular temperature and Lina was still biting her lips, leaning her head slightly back as to stop tears from falling.

Seoah happened to read some of the comments that were rolling in. Most of them were praising them for the great music video, some saying they were pretty, but also some funny comments wondering if they were on drugs and stating that they seemed to have gotten their introductions wrong, those were the ones that were the funniest to read.

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