- 14 - Nation's daughter

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March 24 2022

Seoah woke up, cruelly enough feeling even more tired than when she went to bed last night. How delightful. The idol life was starting to wear her down already. Though it had its charm. Not returning home at midnight after a fan meeting and then having to wake up around 5. But standing on stage to perform made it all worth it.

She sat up and checked her phone. It was 5:10 already. She should get up if she wanted time to eat breakfast in peace.

However, Seoah was still tired and didn't want to leave her bed. It was warm under the blanket. Who would want to leave that?

She threw herself backward in agony, letting her head hit the pillow softly.

"Seaoh, time to get up!" she then heard Naeun yell.

Seoah let out a sigh before mustering up to sit up again. "I'm coming," she groaned back with a hoarse morning voice.

The four girls were all sitting around the table in pajamas, munching on their breakfast. As Seoah came out, still in a daze, they all fixated their gazes on her. Seoah who'd let out the yawn of the times before rubbing her eyes didn't notice the intense audience until they were right in front of her.

"Yikes," she let out, almost doing a tiny jump. Her whole body had tensed up for a second from the shock before she relaxed again. At least she felt a tad bit more awake now.

"Look who decided to bless us with her presence," Lina said in a very solemn way.

"I always bless you with my presence," Seoah said, unaware of what was going on, as she took her seat by the table. "It's not like you can avoid me since we share a bed" she added, spooning up rice in her bowl.

"Of course you do," Lina said with a playful smirk.

Seoah looked up right before she was about to shovel an overflowing spoon of rice into her mouth but came to a halt when she noticed all eyes were still on her.

She looked between them with confusion. The only reaction she got out of them was a tsk from Mirae. She was shaking her head, seemingly with disappointment as she sized Seoah up and down.

Seoah had eye contact with her for a second before stuffing her mouth with that rice anyway and when she heard Mirae sighing she'd had enough.

"What?" she asked with her mouth full of rice.

"And that's supposed to be our nation's daughter," Mirae said at last.

At first, Seoah didn't process what had been said about her. She was busy with her rice and generally tired, then it got to her.

"Huh?" she let out. Her mouth was still stuffed though.

"If only they'd seen this Seoah," Lina said, joining Mirae in shaking her head with disappointment toward Seoah.

"Shouldn't you at least show some decency?" Mirae asked.

"What have I missed?" Seaoh asked after swallowing the last of her rice. They were certainly playing some kind of prank on her. This wasn't how they usually acted.

"I would recommend you to search yourself up," Sera politely advised before inspecting her breakfast vigorously.

"Why would I even do that?" Seoah asked, too lazy to do so.

"See for yourself," Mirae replied with a shrug and a cunning expression.

Glancing between the rest of the members who were all still staring at her as if the world had stopped spinning. She picked up her phone under solid surveillance from her members. As she searched her own name she kept throwing glances at the rest of the girls who went between pretending to eat their breakfast and observing Seoah.

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