- 6 - Convenience store

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"Count him in too" Mark then said and pointed at Taeyong who just came out of the same practice room as Seoah was headed towards. She had never properly met Taeyong before but she'd always looked up to him a lot. She respected him, but she was also a bit intimidated by him. His aura freaked her out a bit.

"Hello," Seoah said with a little bow. She figured she should greet her senior politely, although she wondered what he'd been doing in there.

Taeyong smiled back at her and did a small bow too. "Hello"

"Sera's in there too right?" She then asked him.

He just nodded.

"Thank you," she said before rushing in to get her group member.

"Come on Sera, away with that dull face and let me see a smile," she said to the older girl, completely ignoring her and her swollen eyes.

Read the room? Pft, we don't do that here.

Sera looked up at her and she really was a mess.

"We're going now, you've practiced enough. You could probably do the dance in your sleep at double speed at this point, so get up and get out, we're going shopping," Seoah said and grabbed the older girl's hand to pull her up.

"Shopping really?" Sera asked, not making any effort to stand up. It was around midnight, so she was a bit skeptical whether the stores were still open, and why Seoah would want to go shopping in the first place.

"I'm going to the convenience store for candy, and you have to come, that's your duty since you're older than me," Seoah said and tried pulling the girl up, but Seoah wasn't strong enough when Sera didn't help the slightest.

"Calm down, calm down, I'm coming," she said and stood up on her own.

"Good, now let's bounce," Seoah said and held Sera's hand as she pulled her out of the room.

The boys were still outside when they got out, waiting for them quietly.

"You guys still here?" Seoah asked them, a bit surprised they hadn't just left to go get some sleep.

"I heard convenience store and candy, I'm on," Mark said and smiled to show he wanted to come too.

"Honey, you're not invited, we're gonna talk hot girl stuff," Seoah said to him, not understanding why he would want to hang out with them. She was obviously joking though.

"I can talk hot girl stuff too," Mark said, he looked both a bit taken aback but also offended.

"You can?" Seoah asked, deciding to have a bit more fun with this.

"Well yeah," Mark said, but he was obviously doubting that himself because he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Okay fine, my dude, you can come" Seoah decided to agree.

"Can I come too?" Taeyong then asked, and that made Seoah even more surprised.

"Of course you can," she said immediately with a polite smile.

"Hey, why are you so polite towards him but not me?" Mark asked. He was truly offended by this, or not actually, but still kind of was.

"You told me to speak comfortably with you but Taeyong Sunbaenim hasn't told me I can drop the formalities yet, so I speak to him with respect" She explained. "You should be honored, I speak to you as I speak to my friends" she added.

"That makes no sense, why wouldn't you be polite just because you're allowed to speak comfortably?"

"Because this is how I speak comfortably," she said with a shrug.

Perfectly Imperfect || Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now