- 12 - Golf

77 6 1

"Oh my turn, my turn, I have the pink ball," Seoah said and pretended to be all energetic and enthusiastic. She'd never seen the fun in golf. It looked straight-out boring. You shot a ball and then went looking for the ball before shooting it away again in hopes of finally getting it into the hole. At least that's what Seoah had understood golf was about. Honestly, she had no idea.

"Go ahead," Johnny said and made way for her to come forward.

"And remember to bend your knees" the instructor reminded her.

"No worries, I feel I'm already a pro," Seoah said in an attempt to cheer herself on and got into position, exaggerating the position just a tiny bit while she was at it, intentionally.

She carefully rose the club up towards her shoulder in a swinging movement, getting into position, then she swung it back down with all her force, missing the ball by quite a lot, and continued with the club til it was above her other shoulder.

Completely ignoring how incredibly she missed the ball she moved her hand up to her eyebrows, pretending to block out the nonexistent sun as she looked out over the field as if she was following the ball. it was cloudy and not sunny at all for your information.

"That was a good one" she complimented herself and looked back at the others with a smirk.

"Ehm..." Johnny didn't know what to say.

"Unbelievable," Mark said and looked shocked. "I didn't even know it was possible to miss that much" he then told them.

"Takes a pro you know," Seoah said with confidence and nodded her head to look cool. She hadn't exactly aimed to miss the ball, but she hadn't really tried hitting it either.

"It sure does," Mark said.

"You wanna try again?" Johnny then asked her.

"I mean, if you really want to see my awesomeness that bad" Seoah continued the joke and curled her hair around her finger while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, we really want to see your awesomeness again" Johnny confirmed.

This time Seoah actually kind of tried, and she got the ball away, quite far away at that. Maybe it was because nobody had any expectations of her, she felt unbothered and comfortable.

"Yo, that wasn't bad," Mark said and looked impressed towards the area where the ball had landed.

"Meh, not as good as the last one" Seoah shrugged it off.

"The question is, will any shot be better than your first shot?" Johnny asked and jokingly looked thoughtful.

"Probably not" Seoah agreed. "Mark your turn now" she then said and looked at Mark.

"Now I'll show you what a real pro looks like," Mark said in an attempt to sound cool, rolling his shoulders as if he was warming them up for a big hit.

"Let us see" Johnny commented.

He got into position and swung the club to shoot away the ball. Though the club just barely touched the ball and it moved about a decimeter.

"You didn't bend your knees enough," Seoah said to him as she looked at the ball with disappointment. She had no idea what he'd done wrong, she just wanted to nagg on him.

"And you're the one to speak," Mark said and looked back at Seoah with a smile, but there was some frustration in it.

"Didn't you see how far I got?" She then asked, because to be fair she did get it pretty far on the second attempt.

Mark rose the hand he wasn't holding the club with into the air as to surrender. "Okay sorry," he said and got ready to try again.

He swung the golf club and hit the ball about as much as last time.

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