I wish I could be able to kiss you
As the rays of the Sun
Kiss your skinI wish I could caress you
Like the first wind of the morning
With kisses greedy,
like the wind on your cheeks,
And touch your hair,
Like a passionate flower,
Flying in the winter airI wish I could say you
good morning
With a soft hug
Under warm
pillows and blankets,
And many little fires
Between our lips,
Like loving birds,
Cute and whispering greetings;
Telling good morning
To the world
And to a new daySinging
With our songs
Of a sweet love
And promise
Of moments
Of pure joy
Poesie al chiaro di Luna
PoetryLa notte: il momento migliore per l'ispirazione poetica. Da qui il nome di questa raccolta, che riprende delle poesie scritte in passato, in tempi di spensieratezza, e ne aggiunge alcune scritte di recente